Heading To The Bakery

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"We need to have a new rule here, Speedrick," Blaze sighed as he and AJ led their friend through the streets of Axle City. "No flirting with ANYONE, especially Crusher,"

"I'm surprised by how many trucks are courting him, despite his attitude and reputation," AJ chuckled.

"Well, I could see why," Speedrick licked his lips with a smirk. "He's a hot lightning boy~ And his attitude of being hard to get can turn any guy on~"

"Oh gosh, no," Blaze shook his head. "Rick, please don't do anything that will lead to your death,"

"Eh, that little cucumber doesn't scare me, no matter how 'deadly' you say he could be," Speedrick scoffed. "I'll have lightning boy for myself sooner or later!"

"Would you like to tell him about the guys that Pickle 'put out of commission' after they were too close to Crusher?" AJ whispered to his best friend.

"Uh..." Blaze whispered back with a shudder. "Maybe he'll just have to learn it the hard way. Don't think he'll believe us, anyway,"

"Good point," AJ nodded.

"Anyway, where are we heading next?" Speedrick asked grumpily. "I'm starving!"

"Then let's head over to the bakery!" Blaze said with a grin.

They all turned the street and drove over to Clive's bakery. Blaze opened the door and led his friend in.

"Here we are!"

"THIS is the bakery?" Speedrick glanced around with disgust. "This place is smaller than my house! And I already thought my place was small enough,"

"Speedrick, be nice," Blaze told him off. "Clive keeps this place in tact, and he's a hardworking baker,"

"Fine, fine, whatever..." Speedrick sighed.

AJ dismounted from the driver's seat and entered the kitchen, where the Baker Bots were busy making the cakes and pastries for the bakery. Blaze looked around in confusion.

"Hey, where's Clive?"

"Maybe he went out to deliver some cake," AJ theorized.

"What do these robots do?" Speedrick questioned as he reached in to press the purple button.

"Oh, those robots are the ones baking— SPEEDRICK, NO, DON'T PRESS THE PURPLE BUTTON!"

"Huh?" Speedrick turned to him, confused. "Why not?"

"It would make the Baker Bots go haywire," AJ explained. "And trust us when we say that they can make a HUGE mess when going haywire,"

"Eh, it can't be THAT bad," Speedrick waved them off and pressed the button on the biggest Baker Bot anyway.

Suddenly, the cake-making Baker Bot began to glitch. It started to make cake of all sizes and threw them out. Some hit the other robots, causing them to glitch and break down as well.

"Oh... oops," Speedrick winced as the whole kitchen became a mess.

"My Baker Bots!" Clive entered the kitchen with a gasp. "What happened?!"

"Speedrick pressed the purple button," AJ explained, a glare at the large white truck-turned race car. "Right when we told him NOT to,"

"Sorry," Speedrick rolled his eyes but surrendered anyway. "Didn't think it would be THIS bad..."

"Don't worry, Clive, we'll take care of the Baker Bot," Blaze assured his friend as AJ hopped back on his driver's seat and zoomed towards the crazy Baker Bot.

They managed to press the purple button once more, deactivating the Baker Bot in an instant and causing it to revert back to normal. They all sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Blaze and AJ!" Clive thanked.

"No problem, Clive," Blaze smiled. "We're happy time help!"

"This place is STILL a mess," AJ sighed, looking around them. "but don't worry, we'll help you clean up, right Blaze?"

"Right, AJ!" Blaze agreed with a smile as he grabbed the broom and handed it to Speedrick. "ALL of us will help clean up, RIGHT Speedrick?"

"Right, right," Speedrick grumbled and took the broom. "Ugh, but this is gonna take FOREVER!"

"If you stop whining, maybe it'll be quicker," AJ rolled his eyes.

"Fine..." Speedrick began to sweep, curses under his breath. "Yuck! I don't even clean my house! Is this even cake? Ew!"

"Does your friend usually complain like this?" Clive asked, grabbing a mop.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Blaze apologized.

"It's alright—"

"Woah, what a mess!" Pickle gasped as he and Crusher drove into the kitchen.

"Yeah, one of the Baker Bots went crazy again," AJ told them. "Speedrick pressed the purple button,"

"Well, let me and Crusher help you guys clean up!" Pickle offered, getting a broom from nearby. "Come on, Hon!"

"Alright, alright," Crusher chuckled and picked up a mop.

"You guys don't have to," Blaze said humbly.

"Nah, it's alright," Crusher shrugged. "We were gonna get some pastries for our picnic later anyway,"

"Well, if you two are gonna take over then I'll take a break!" Speedrick dropped the broom and aimed to leave.

"EXCUSE ME, but WHO caused this mess?" Pickle glared at him dangerously.

Speedrick gulped and drove backwards, grabbing his broom again. Crusher giggled at his reaction and began to mop the dirty floor. The white truck stiffened at his giggles, deep blush of embarrassment staining his cheeks.

'Hmm... maybe there IS way to impress lightning boy after all...'

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