Smile || JHS

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Chloe's POV:

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Chloe's POV:


That's the only word I can use to describe the state of the state of the airport today. Why? Oh just because the hottest boyband in the world will be getting off a plane here in this exact airport because they have a concert nearby in a few days. The airport is packed, it's even harder to move around that normal and that's saying something.

It's packed with fans of course, fans of all ages and races from young to old to english to french to Indian. It's like everyone and their mom showed up, like seriously.

"Chloe" I hear my name and look up to meet the eyes of my friend who is currently at the front of the Starbucks line. The small Starbucks in the airport is the one place in this whole airport that is almost kinda sparse, I guess when world famous Idols are going to be walking through the airport coffee isn't as important as usual.

"They're out of caramel syrup" I scrunch my face automatically in distaste, but quickly relax it again as I hear my friend chuckle.

"Vanilla is fine" I smile as I respond and turn back to my computer. Me and my friend Harlow are here today to wait for her little sister to return from England where she was studying as a part of her high schools student exchange program, and it just had to be this airport on this exact day.

Her flight is going to be here around noon, but we came around 8 because we thought we would catch up on our college work while drinking our hearts out on coffee, it's about 10 now. I already have my laptop open in front of me, and I've only looked away from it a handful to times. I take my catch up time very seriously, yet another reason why I am not a fan of these goddamn screaming fans.

"Here you go, your regular order but with vanilla syrup instead of caramel" Harlow said as she approached our table. I looked up at her again and smirked.

"That's unacceptable" I spoke in a serious tone, needing a break from my advanced history essay. Her eyes immediately went wide and met mine in a split second as she sat down, immediately becoming flustered. "B-but I—" I laugh as I hear how nervous she'd become in a matter of seconds.

"Harlow-" I grabbed my drink and took a slow sip, putting it back down on the table just as slow.

"I'm just messing with you" I smile at her as I laugh some more. Her state relaxes at my words and she quickly grabs her notebook and hits the top of my head with it, making me laugh more.

"Stop doing that to me" She huffs out as she sits back down and grabs her stuff to continue working.

"Awe come on, your so easy to get." I say as I start typing again. "Besides doing it helps me forget all about why these people are here today." I hear her immediately drop her pencil and arm dramatically onto the table. I slowly bring my eyes up to meet hers knowing whats coming.

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