[2] Fallen Angel(s)

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Part ini gaje banget sumpah. But first of all, I would like to clarify something: this work does not affiliate with any kind of religion. Ya, meskipun banyak cerita gini, tapi aku ngerasa perlu aja bilang. Hehehe

Have a great weekend~

•Fallen Angels•

Jaehyun Jung as Lucifer
Roseanne Park as Gabrielle (originally Gabriel—one of arc angels)
Bambam as Beelzebub
Eunwoo Cha as Asmodeous

Summary: What if Lucifer and Gabrielle were originally lovers that got separated by God to punish Lucifer’s rebellion?

In good, there’s evil

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

In good, there’s evil.
In evil, there’s good.
There’s an absolute good,
and there’s an absolute evil.
An old proverb that anyone can ignore.

Lucifer sat with hand above his knee.
Next to him there was Beelzebub—the prince of demons who was watching the same object as Lucifer.

‘Do you still adore her?’ he said. Lucifer grinned his teeth, showing his two dimples on this form.

‘Do you know her, Baal?’ asked Lucifer.

Beelzebub who rebelled to God alongside with him nodded his head. He said with a confident voice, ‘One of God’s faithful angels, Gabrielle. But what the hell is she doing in human realm?’

Lucifer flicked his fingers, turned himself into beautiful-fine man in suit.

‘Ask Leviathan, no, Asmodeous to see me now,’ said Lucifer in firm voice.

Beelzebub who was known as the second fallen from heaven knelt on one of his knee—giving his respect to The Emperor of Hell.

He was trying to approach one of God’s favourite. Gabrielle was one of those who served God—giving her life for Him. But Lucifer wanted to be the ‘Him’ she served, he wanted the most prettiest thing God ever created lived for him.

But Gabrielle was exceptionally hard to be approached. Of course, she’s one of arch angels for reasons. Lucifer showed his smirk. He wondered just how long Gabrielle could stay on God’s side.

‘God’s arc angel Gabrielle, what are you doing here?’

Gabrielle whose appearance looked dazzling tho in human form took a glance at Lucifer—despised him. ‘Never expected to meet God’s most rebellious creature here,’ said her. There was something in her voice that made Lucifer went even crazier.
He wanted her more than anything.

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