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Me:man my body still sore but you know what I want to prank another one

Akira:what are kidding with me. Do you wanna get bitten up again?

Me:ofcourse no but I promise I wont make it personal this time so please


Hime:ok fine but don't make it personal

Me:fine, so who do we prank?

Akira: what about naruto?

Hime: good idea, and l have the right prank.(takes the phone and dials the number)

Hime:*preparing sakura's voice*

Meanwhile in naruto's world

Naruto:I so bored

*the phone rings*


Hime*on sakura's voice*:hello naruto there is something I want to tell you but I can tell you on the phone but I am not sure if I can trust you, can I?

Naruto: You can truat me I will do anything you want  so you can trust me, deal?


Naruto:yes anything.

Hime:(tries no to laugh) Hmmm.okey then go to the street naked and go to sasuke's house and tell him that you love him.

Naruto:NO WAY

Hime: (crying)But you said u will do anything.

Naruto:Ok fine but please don't cry

Hime: really


Hime:arigato Naruto :)

Mean while at my house

Me:Man that was amazing but didn't You say to me nothing personal hime-sama

Hime:oopsi my bad but at last not like the other prank you made

Akira:yep hime is right about this

Me:if you got bitten up I will be out

At Naruto

Naruto:damn where is sasuke'looking every where' aha here he is. Oi sasuke.

Sasuke:'annoyed and talking to himself' what is he doing here

Naruto:don't Kill me I am doing this for sakura's sake'using harem jutsu'


Sasuke:whaaaat the

Sakura cames

Sakura:'bunching Naruto'get way from my sasuke.

Naruto: S-Sakura-chan that hurts. Why did you do that you asked me to do it

Sakura:shut up and no I didn't

Naruto: then who did it

At my house

Me: hahahahaha-almost died from laughter - ok that was better than mine.

Hime: ara right

Akira:-on the ground laughing- we really need to stop before it gets worse.



Thanks for whom read my story and voted hope u like it

And please wait the next one


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