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"ahhh! finally! finals are doneeee!" rika stretches on her bed after her final day at school.

youre at her house as well; yours ended the day prior.

"okay, so! celebratory day tomorrow?" you ask hopeful. 'more then just celebratory—hopefully a confession too.'

"hell yeah! im so excited!" she smiles, propping herself up with her elbows.

"postmates?" she nods. "what do you wanna get?"

"hmmmm... (type of food/place)!" you nod and order both of your go too orders. rika scrolls through (streaming service) mindlessly, trying to find something—ANYTHING to watch.

both of you have seen practically everything.

you finished your show to watch together, which by the way was fucking amazing. you started a second, third, fourth, fifth, so many more and finished them all.

shes now on her stomach, her legs moving back and forth on her bed in the air. she had her hand supporting her chin and one hand with a remote. your sitting on the floor infront of her.

"find anything good?" she shakes her head in denial.

"ughhhhhh, whyyyyy?! weve seen everythinggggg!" you groan out, very exaggerated too.

"i know! its so god damn annoying!" you nod in agreement.

she just plays a random video by (youtuber).

suddenly, rika starts to braid your hair, while you feel it being played with and your scalp being massaged, you feel once again how danity her fingers are and how delicate, soft they are. you lean into her hand with a small smile making its way to your face.


"down to go out for the day tomorrow?"

'I ASKED THAT ALREADY IM EL STUPIDO I GUeSs BUT PLease- sayyessayyessayyessayyessayyessayyes'

"sure! where to?" she brings her head forward slightly to look at yours, your eyes meet. you look into them, relief evident in them and say, "surprise," with a 'shhhh' as well as a finger to your mouth. you hope she cant hear your heart, jeez.

she nods and continues to braid your hair all the way through and in many different small braids.

"y'know your hair is really fun to play with," she says random as a new video plays.

"im glad, it feels nice," the movements of her fingers massaging your hair is like heaven on earth. it always felt good to you but it felt extra good when rika did it.

you check your phone to see that the postmates has finally arrived. you get up sadly (from loosing her touch) but happily (food) and open the door. the man hands you your food. you thank him and he takes his leave, driving off.

you walk back upstairs and into rikas room—her moms at work at the moment so you didnt get her anything.

"foods here!" you shout while she runs up and opens the bag. she takes out (dish) from it, handing it to you and taking out her own as well.

you both eat and watch more of (youtuber), making small talk and commentating on the video as it plays.

its a peaceful moment between the two of you. teo and cali also decided to join the feast.

its hard to believe but its been almost four months since you and rika have met and she unknowingly has you wrapped around her finger. youd do a lot for her and your anxious even thinking about the days to come.

the night ended with laughs, games, ranting, cuddles and talking. it was a perfect night for the both of you.

especially spending it with one another.

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