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      RAFE AND GEN RUSH DOWNSTAIRS. Once they get downstairs they push through the crowded house. Welcoming people as they pass. Gen and Rafe grab a bunch of plates and take them outside. "Okay. That's done. Now, I need you to run inside and grab the drinks while I set up the chairs, okay?" Gen huffs. Rafe nods.

"Right. Drinks, got it." He says. Before he walks away, Penelope walks up to them with some guy.

"No worries, guys. This is John, he's gonna be setting up the rest of the stuff. You're dad will be here soon." She smiles. Rafe looks at Gen.

"You're dad's gonna be here?" He whisper yells. Gen nods. 

"I may have forgotten that." She says. All of the pogues run over to them. 

"This is awesome." Pope exclaims. 

"It could be better." JJ shrugs. 

"Welcome! Enjoy!" Penelope says before running off. Gen, Rafe, John B, JJ, Pope, Kiara all stand there. 

"Alright, well this is awkward. Rafe needs to meet me family, so enjoy some of those wraps." She points at a table then grabs Rafe's hand and walks away. They get stopped by her Aunt and Uncle. "Hi!" Gen says cheerfully before giving them each a hug. "This is Rafe, my boyfriend!" She smiles. Rafe shakes their hands. 

"What happened to Luka?" Her aunt asks. She sees Rafe tense up.

"We broke up, thankfully." Gen says. 

"Oh, I thought he was nice?" Her uncle says.

"Well, he was wearing a thick mask." Gen shrugs. "It was great to see you guys, but I think dad's here. So, I'm gonna go find him!" Gen says. She interlocks her arm with Rafe's. "You good? You haven't said a word all day." Gen says, looking forward.

"I'm tired." He shrugs. 

"Tired, hm. Alright, well we can go grab a coffee?" Gen sighs. 

"No, it's fine. I just wanna meet your dad and leave." Rafe shrugs. Gen purses her lips and nods. "No offense, I'm just not in the mood to be around a lot of people." Gen shrugs. They walk out back and see her mom and dad. "Your dad looks terrifying." Rafe whispers. They walk over to them. 

"Hi daddy!" Gen exclaims. She gives him a tight hug. "Ugh. It's been almost two months! I thought you were coming home sooner!" She says. 

"I know, honey. I got caught up." He sighs. "Who's this?" he says, pointing at Rafe. She grabs Rafe's arms and pulls him closer.

"Dad, meet Rafe. Rafe meet dad. My boyfriend." She smiles.

"Oh, Ward's son. Hopefully it's father like son." Her dad says. They shake hands.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Rafe smiles. 

"Nice to meet you to, son." Her dad nods. 

"So, dad I was thinkinggg maybe me and Rafe could go stay at the vacation house for a little bit. just for a week or so. I'd be so fun, and you and mom can have your alone time." Gen persuades. Her mom and dad look at each other. And Rafe looks at her.

"We never talked about that." Rafe whispers, she shushes him. 

"Me and your mom will talk about it. If I do say yes, no funny business." Her dad says, pointing his finger at Rafe. Gen bites her lip.

"Dad!" She pushes his shoulder. He chuckles. 

"I'm kidding! They're cleaning it right now, but in a few days." Her dad says. She squeals, and kisses her dad on the cheek. 

"Thank you, daddy!" She smiles. "Me and Rafe are gonna go upstairs for a while, he isn't feeling well. But call me if you need me." She says. 

"I hope you feel better, Rafe." Her mom says. 

"Thank you." He responds. He grabs Gen's hand and takes her inside and upstairs. 

"You practically dragged me up here, jesus christ." Gen chuckles. Rafe sighs.

"I felt claustrophobic." He says. Gen nods. "I did!" He exclaims. 

"Okay! I believe you, good god." Gen laughs. He puts his hands on Gen's cheeks. He places a kiss on her lips and rests his head against hers. "Okay Mr. Mood swing, I see you." Gen laughs. Rafe smiles. Rafe lifts his head back up.

"I'm sorry, I dragged you from your party. I just don't feel the best right now." Rafe says. Gen nods. 

"It's okay. You sleep, I'm gonna say hi to my dad one more time." Gen says. Rafe nods.

"Night." He says. She smiles and pecks his lip before exiting her room. Rafe huffs and lays down on the bed, slowly falling asleep. 

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