Episode 7

38 15 6

[Concert Day]

Jennie's POV-

For past six months Rosé has been waiting for this day, D-DAY! We decided to go together so we met outside the cafeteria we often visited. Rosé was dressed as if she was going for a wedding, and kept smiling and tapping her feet till we reached the concert arena.

Crowds. I hate crowds more than anyone else, and this wasn't just any ordinary crowd, it was a crowd filled pretty girls who acted like desperate zombies waiting to eat up the idols on stage. I was stuck and Rosé seemed to be lost in some other world. Pushing and pulling, screaming and shouting and not to forget, shoving fan sticks in other peoples face these were normal for Rosé but for me; well yah, the only worse that could happen was, I could have been trampled upon, my ears could have gone numb or I could just get irritated so much that I would become a monster but ok, I get it, this is definitely the first and the last time am here.

By the time the concert ended, my head was about to blast into pieces, and Rosé who seemed like an actress before, now seemed like she just woke up from sleep. Despite all of this chaos, Rosé  smiled brightly; her smile made me forget the struggles I had  dealt in the concert, it made me feel like I was finally able to do something for her. Looking at her like this, bought an unknown smile to my face as well.

Rosé's POV-

I woke up early morning, cuz....today was D-DAY!!! I went for a jog, to give a final touch-up to all my dieting and workouts for the past six months. I washed my face with milk and bathed with rose water, it seemed like I was getting ready for my wedding...haha I felt so happy!

I met Jennie outside the cafeteria we usually hanged out on. I saw her looking at me from head to toe and pass a sarcastic smirk.
"What?! I could at least do this much for my babies^^" I smiled with excitement as I waved the light stick in joy.

I enjoyed the concert so much! WE4 ROCKS!!! Now I couldn't wait for the fan meet, I am glad I met Jennie before today's event, even the thought of talking to them gave me currents all over my body. The fan meet was 2 hours later after the concert ended, so as soon as the concert ended I rushed to the nearby food spot with Jennie and bought plenty of food, then we came back and waited where all other fan girls waited.

Jennie's POV-
"2 hours?! Are you crazy? huh!? You expect me to wait here for 2 hours?!"
"Uhm..can you stop over-reacting...? I mean look at this! Why do you think I bought all this food stuff from there, so that we could survive these two hours successfully!^^"Rosé grinned.
"Ya! Why don't we go and rest somewhere and let them also rest? Please!! I am tired, we have been standing this whole time!"
"This is what fangirls are supposed to do! I am sorry darling but this once, pretty please?>3<"

(Ah! not again...there goes her cute face and here goes my heart, it melts like an ice cream...)

"Whatever!" I sighed as I opened the water bottle to drink some water.

After a long wait of 120 mins plus additional delay of 30 mins, the doors for fan meet were finally open! All the girls screamed as if the doors to heavens had opened. Rosé took out her makeup and started touching up, the only thing I did was to pass weird expressions to her. 

Ha!I tried to control my laughter so much. 

 Every time Rosé saw them shaking hands with someone she would just smile and make small jumps, it was hilarious to see her like this;  it seemed like a bunch of kids were eagerly waiting for Santa Claus to give gifts! I looked at her closely and asked,
"Who is your favourite? Don't you get jealous? they are not even shaking hands with you right now!"
Rosé's eyes gleamed in awe, as if she wasn't expecting me to ask her questions like this.
"OOO Jennie! You are slowly adjusting to the fan spirit! good good...my favourite is the leader of the group Han Seo Jun! He is soooooooo handsome! ha, la la la...." ,she swayed her body like a kindergarten kid holding her dress.

"Stop! I get it, stop dreaming now.."

It was our turn now, and it was the time for me to become a Translator.
Rosé hurried and took small steps, she looked at one person gleefully , which I guessed was Han Seo Jun...I wanted to finished this early, I was TIRED!
Rosé instructed me to say hello by the show of her eyes...I said hello in korean.
I told him (Han Seo Jun) that Rosé was a huge fan and did not know korean, so I would be acting as a translator during their short conversation. I told this to him a bit bluntly, mainly cuz I was tired but also because I was not into this fan girl thingy so yah.

Han Seo Jun's POV- 

Tiring Day! We had Concert first and now the Fan meet. It is great to see fans like this, they become a whole new motivation but when you are tired, the exact opposite happens. As the fans approached- we smiled at them, had small conversations with them, most of them learned a few korean phrases to communicate with us^^ that kinda surprised me and made me feel like it was all worth it, getting past Lim-Ju-Kyung and all the hard work to this band. 

Then, I saw a pretty girl dressed like some pretty actress, she seemed like Korean, along with her was another friend of hers. She smiled brightly as she approached me, I waited for her to speak and glanced at her friend who did not have a single ounce of excitement in her-_- anyway, before I could speak, her friend spoke that the girl standing in front of me was Rosé and she was a huge fan and yah well she spoke something more but it all seemed so rude. I smirked lightly and signed the diary Rosé offered. 
"Where should I sign for you?" I asked the other girl in korean.
"Am not a fan-_- I don't need it︶0︶"

I made a weird expression but corrected myself as I realised the presence of cameras.
"Well then. Suit Yourself..." I passed on a fake smile and looked for the other fan who seemed to jumping out of joy.
(Ha! why would you even come here if you're not a fan, what an ungrateful, unadmiring girl!)

I thought to myself while signing the books of my fans...Ah why? Stop it, why was I thinking about her?! ah! maybe cuz I have never come across fans like her....get a hang on it Han Seo Jun, from now on, You will be meeting such ignorant fans as well!:0  I said to myself...

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