The Boy Who Lived

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Disclaimer: I do not own HP. Everything in bold is from the books and does not belong to me. Well, except for this.

The next morning a breakfast, Umbridge stood up.

"Hem Hem. I have a very important announcement to make."

Many people groaned. What other torture rule was she going to announce?

"Classes will be cancelled"

There was cheering from most people. The only exceptions were Hermione and many Ravenclaws. The Slytherins did not cheer but, you could tell they were just as delighted to hear the news.

"For the day and will continue until the ministry and I see fit. Classes are cancelled because we have received a very important package from the future."

Many people were surprised. It wasn't possible to send items from the future.

"I hope that we can prevent deaths and expose lies with it. The package is a set of books on the life of Harry Potter. There was a letter that came with it. Let me read it out.

To whoever finds this note,

We are from the future and have sent 7 books about the life of Harry Potter. 4 are about the past, 1 is about the present and 2 are about the future.

By reading these books, we hope you will prevent many deaths as well as prove whether Harry Potter is lying.

These books are entirely truthful, and you may prove that by saying the spell probandum veritatem.

We wish for you to read these books in the great hall along with some guests. The guests are:

Cornelius Fudge

The Weasleys including Percival, Charles and William.

Amelia Bones and some aurors

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Nymphadora Tonks

Alastor Moody

Remus Lupin and his dog Snuffles

Time will stop outside the castle when the reading begins so no time will have passed after the reading.

We also wish to inform you that anyone present during the reading will not be able to tell anything to anyone not present at the meeting without Harry Potter's permission due to a spell placed on the books.

As they concern Harry Potter's private life, the books cannot be read without his permission.

If Harry Potter grants permission, then the books are to be read in this order:

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Best regards,

HP, HG and RW."

Many people turned to Harry for permission.

'Everyone will know about the Dursleys, but they will also find out that Voldemort is back. Maybe the books tell us how to defeat Voldemort. That'll be nice. And it says it will prevent deaths. I wonder who else died in the future. I hope it was not Ron or Hermione.'

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