The Vanishing Glass

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Disclaimer: I do not own HP. Everything in bold is from the books and does not belong to me. Well, except for this.

Chapter Two: The Vanishing Glass

(Nearly ten years ... different-colored bonnets)

Many people started laughing.

Fred and George actually fell off their seats in their laughter.

Many teachers also had small smiles on their faces.

(-- but Dudley Dursley ... the house, too.)

"WHAT?!" Molly screamed again.

"You might want to use a low-level silencing charm." Harry told Remus. "There are many things that people will not like."

(Yet Harry Potter ... of the day.)

Snape winced, having firsthand experience on how loud she was.

("Up! Get up! ... motorcycle in it.)

"That was a memory, mate." Ron said.

"I know that." Harry said.

(He had a ... one of them,)

Ron shuddered.

(Put them ... used to spiders,)

Ron shuddered again.

(Because the cupboard ... full of them,)

"What does that have to do with anything?" Remus asked suspiciously.

(And that ... he slept.)

"WHAT?!" Many people screamed, but Molly's voice was the loudest.

Remus was glad he took Harry's advice and put a mild silencing charm on his ears. Remus was, also, growling, very loudly, sounding much like he did on the full moon.

Sirius was also growling, looking as angry as a dog could look.

Many people were looking downright murderous.

Dumbledore looked angrier than anyone had ever seen.

McGonagall had an angry look in her eyes making many people move backwards in instinct.

'What?! That's impossible!' Snape thought.

That one sentence had changed his entire view of the world.

(When he was ... the new computer)

"What?" many people asked.

"A muggle device that can do many things." A Ravenclaw muggleborn said.

(He wanted ... second television)

"A second what?" Arthur asked.

"A box in which videos are played." Hermione explained to the red head.

(And the racing bike.)

"It's a muggle thing used to travel from one place to another, with 2 wheels, that move when someone pedals them, if anyone wants to know." Colin explained.

(Exactly why Dudley ... involved punching somebody.)

"Don't let this mean what I think it means" Remus pleaded to no one.

(Dudley's favorite ... was Harry,)

"NOOO!!" Remus yelled.

"WHAT?!" Molly yelled for the 4th time that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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