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Belle's P.O.V:

"Did you hurt your ankle or knee?" I asked him.

"My thigh actually." He corrected me.

"Where?" So I may ask lots of questions, but hey I'm a doctor; that's what we do.

He pointed at his right thigh as an answer. I tried inspecting the injury, but his Adidas pants stood in the way.

"I think you need to take them off." I stated shyly.

"Yeah me too." He was blushing a little and so was I.

After helping him take them off and examining his thighs I told him the news.

"So you mean I'm alright? " He was worried I can tell.

"Yes. The red color is normal it's a little bruise nothing serious, yet you still have to visit me daily for a two week so I can apply some cream and make sure it's healing." I informed him in an assuring way.

"Okay. Am I free to go now?" He said putting his pants on again.

"Yeah you'll be fine. " I gave him a smile. See one thing you need to keep doing as a doctor is smiling because it's one way of giving strength and hope to your patients.

"Thanks doctor. " He returned the smile. His smile is so cute I feel like staring at him all day. Wait I shall lower my gaze I'm a Muslim. I shouldn't be admiring him. Focus Belle focus!

"Please call me Belle." I told him.

"Sure Belle." He gave me a smirk. Oh my chupa chups his smirk makes him even hotter.

"See you tomorrow. " He said walking out of the clinic.

"Bye Marc. " I turned my head the other way to replace the stuff to their original place.

A small part of me was sad because he left, but another was joyful and enthusiastic knowing he's coming back tomorrow. I'm lucky to see him daily for a week.


It have been a week since Marc's  injury, and since then he was coming daily. Through his visits we learned alot about each other. He seemed like a delightful guy.

Speaking of whom, I just finished putting the cream on his cut.

"And voila!" I said while taking of my gloves.

He smiled at me then spoke,

"So Belle there is something I was meaning to ask you. "

"Shoot" I said giving him my undivided attention.

"First of all, how many days do i still have to come?" He questioned.

"Umm about a week more. Is  spending time with me that bad?" I faked being hurt by putting my hand on my heart.

"Nooo it is not like that. Don't you ever say that. On the contrary, I actually enjoy spending time with you." He said while I blushed a little bit.

"Well thank you. By the way, you said first of all so what is the second question?" I raised him an eyebrow.

"Yeah about that, would you go on a date with me?" He asked rubbing his neck.

"I am so sorry Marc, but I don't date.I  am muslim." To be honest, I wasn't really surprised he asked me out. I mean it was obvious we liked each other. Did I just admit that I like him?!I shall not like non Muslims since I will never have the chance to marry them.

"You are what?!" His high voice snapped me back to reality.

"I am a muslim." I announced with no shame.

He got up, walked outside, and closed the door so harshly I thought it was going to brake.

I stood there confused shocking my head disapprovingly. Why did he just do that?

Ignoring what just happened, I took my bag and headed outside after locking my office. I waited for the bus at the bus station and when it finally arrived I headed home.

The day went on like any other where I did my usual routine that is consisted of training, taking a bath, eating, watching T.V, and sleeping.

So after all I decided on continuing the story!  Comment your opinion please! And by the way guys I just remebered that the story has an instagram account so it won't harm if you followed it right?  It's @jinannjana

Thank you so much for reading! Love you all

~a human being

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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