Chapter 1

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Belle's P.O.V:

I was working on my computer when Paul entered. Paul is like a best friend to me . He is 26 years old and has been working here for more than 3 years.

"Hey Belle," He said with a smile.

"Marc injured his leg during practice. Can you please check if there's anything damaged or serious?" He added.

See I'm currently at my work, FCB's medical department. Most people would think that Barcelona has only medical team for football, but there is also for basketball and the other players. I am assigned to take care of the football team, from the first team players to the small kids.

I've been working there since the beginning of the year. I love my job and I love the team, too. Players rarely get serious injuries which is a good thing because I don't want my team to lose any matches. I'm a big fan of football if you ask me and a bigger fan of Barcelona. I remember when I was a kid and my father would insist on teaching me football in the garden then mom would come and playfully yell at dad telling him I am a princess I shouldn't learn how to play football. I chuckle at the memories.

"Hello? Belle?" Paul snapped me back to reality.

"Sorry. Let him in." I apologized with a shy smile. My cheeks are flushed from embarrassment.

A boy who I've never seen his face before entered the clinic. He looked like he was bigger than me with a few years. Probably 22.

"Wait here please I will go bring your file. If you want  you can lay down on the bed." I said while I approached the desk  where I keep all the files.

He nodded and tried to walk, but every step he took caused him to  wince in pain so I rushed towards him after grabbing his file to help him.

"Thanks." He mumbled. Oh my god what a voice he got!  His voice is like dauntless cake with Nutella and cream topped with chocolate covered strawberries.

Wanting to hear his voice more I asked him what is his name , age , and the basics

"I am Marc Bartra, 23 years old. I play as a defender." He spoke.

"Oh okay. How come I didn't see you in the check up for the players before the matches started?" I asked.

"I came late." He said . The pain in his face is visible. That day I left early and let my friend Skylar continue instead of me since I was kind of sick.

I looked at the picture placed in his file; nope he hasn't changed a bit. Same green eyes. Same tan. Same lips. Same haircut. And most importantly same hotness. This is gonna be an interesting appointment.

"Okay so tell me what happened." I said.

"Well Bravo passed me the ball and I couldn't move my leg so I fell to the ground and Paul brought me here." He informed.

"Okay let's see."

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