Episode 09

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Drama: Guo orders a sex doll and get scolded by Yunlan for it. SID members depart to mountains to look for more clues about Wang Zhen's past. They meet Shen Wei. Yunlan sleeps on Shen Wei and hands him his jacket. 

Yunlan made a huge sneeze and placed the most miserable look on his face. "Now, look my way and say you will take care of me!" The chief had a fight with Ling Jing earlier about the car seating arrangements, so Shen Wei now sat at the back next to Zhao. In other words (Yunlan's words), they had the full backseat all to themselves.

The professor gave him a painful look. "Why did you come to this trip when you are sick? I told you to take care of your health!"

"What is wrong with me in the past few weeks. I am getting cold easily..." Yunlan gave a tired sigh.

Shen Wei did not like the exhaustion in his voice. Yunlan was not eating properly, he did not clean his apartment and if he ate it was mostly junk food and boost. Shen Wei had no idea what went wrong with this reincarnation of Zhao and it made him worried more since he was directly in touch with Yunlan. He looked out of the window and seeing all the fog around them stated: "The temperature up in the mountains is lower than in the city. It is easy to get cold."

"You do not get a hint, do you?" Yunlan thought, ignoring the pointed look Lin Jing gave him from the front seat. "I will just take a power nap, that usually helps." Yunlan did not wait for any response, took a pillow he hid before and without asking made himself comfortable on the professor's shoulder.

"What?!" Shen Wei wanted to run away, but he was already squeezed to the window. "Calm down. He is sick... he is sick and needs to rest. Let him rest." Yunlan wriggled by his side, putting his dirty shoes onto the seat and pushing himself to Shen Wei's side. "He is sick...do not do any harm." Shen Wei breathed in steadily. This was the closes both of them were since they first met. 

Yunlan sneezed again and Shen Wei could not stay put anymore. "You should take some medicine," he frowned and adjusted the pillow for Yunlan. "Your health is so poor, why are you taking these trips?"

"Work is work," Yunlan said weakly. "I have to do what is needed."

"But not when it is affecting you so badly."

"If there was someone to look after me, maybe I would be more diligent at keeping a healthy lifestyle," Yunlan said half-asleep.

A line of worry appeared between Shen Wei's eyebrows. "Is that why you are living so poorly? Because no one is taking care of you?"

Yunlan inhaled deeply, the musky aroma of the professor filling his nostrils, when suddenly the car came to a stop. They got stuck in sand. He made a mental note to let Da Qing drive the next time as that cat would be more collaborative in his plan. "This stupid Lin Jing cannot even drive!" But then Yunlan thought it over again. "If we are stuck I can enjoy a long long nap on Shen Wei's lap..." That filled him with joy.

"I will go out and take a look," Shen Wei offered and opened the door. He needed a fresh air to calm down the raising heat coming to his face. But by that he also crashed the plan B Yunlan has just created. 

Luckily, the chief was always a quick-witted man and came up with plan C in no time. When the assistant said she will go after the professor to help, Yunlan was suddenly alive and full of energy. He sweet-talked her into staying in the warmth of the car and then went after Shen Wei. He caught up with him on top of a nearby hill from where Shen Wei scanned the surroundings.

"You should not go so far away alone. There might be wild animals."

"You are the only wild animal here." Shen Wei turned to see Yunlan's face. "You should head back, you are sick."

"I am not going to leave you alone," Yunlan said firmly and started taking off his jacket.

"What are you doing?!" But once Yunlan persuaded Shen Wei to accept the jacket, Shen Wei was in small heaven. He was covered by Yunlan's warmth, it was embracing him and he wanted to dive into this feeling of closeness. He could almost taste Yunlan's cologne at the top of his tongue and would do anything to require the same aroma from the piece of clothing.

Yunlan kept on blabbering next to him and Shen Wei was blind to the fact the chief was suddenly sounding much healthier. He was lustfully lost in the indirect hug Yunlan just gave him.

Have you noticed that Shen Wei was first refusing the jacket and then wore it diligently till the end of this episode? Well that is where the main inspiration came in. We talk about indirect kisses, but how about indirect hugs?
Also, I think in this episode it was the first time we saw him not wearing glasses.

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