Changing the truth

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((I awkwardly swapped from 1st person to 3rd person xDD Oops.))

Amanda only waits four days for the letter, and as soon as she receives it, she runs to her room and opens it straight away.

As she pulls out the letter, a small photograph falls out, and she admires the young boy wearing a black suit with dark brown hair and big shinning eyes. Is this Daniel?

She stands up and puts it under the mattress, next to the photograph of her father.

After it's safe, she opens the letter carefully.

[To Amanda,

If you say your father didn't do it, then I believe you. You're his daughter, after all, and you're nicer than my parents, who say he did it. Even if they do feed me and give me a nice home to stay in, I dislike my parents sometimes. Is that a bad thing?

I think that everyone is just jealous that your David Clarke's daughter. I mean, you're known all around. Everyone talks about you in the Hamptons. You're famous. I think it's unfair that I know who you are, and you don't know me, so here's a nice picture of me in a suit a few weeks ago.

If I was your foster worker, I would buy you a real present, and not just an old plastic bound book with meanings of words. Do you enjoy to read?

I prefer to write. I've started writing poetry. I'm not very good yet.

I agree. Innocent creatures should never been harmed, it's just like bullying someone because you're bigger, or have more power.

Love Daniel.]

She takes out a pen, and begins to write her reply.


"Master Daniel?"

Daniel looks up from his book at their house's maid, who produced a letter for him, "Yes?" He looked at the enveloped card in her hand.

"This letter arrived for you." She said, passing it to him.

"Ah, thank you." He sits up so he can get the letter, and he excuses her so he can read it in peace.

[To Daniel,

Don't hate your parents. I'm glad I didn't hate mine when I had them.

Your features are very striking in that suit, Daniel. I think business attire suits you very much. You should be a business manager. Or a model for a suit magazine.

Wait. No, no, no. Don't become a model, Daniel. You're way too smart.

Could you write me a poem one day? Not now, though. Write me one when you become a poet. It's okay if it's only a haiku or something. I am not very good at poetry writing, but I love reading it. Actually, I love reading lots and lots. I also love to write stories.

I wish I had a visitor. I'm so lonely.

Love Amanda]

[Dear Amanda,

I'm glad you think I looked good in my attire. My parents want me to join their business company 'Grayson Global', so it's good to know I look nice in a suit.

I don't think I'll be a famous poet, but I can try, one day. Maybe you'll become a famous story writer, and we can travel the world together in a worn boat, and take your puppy with us.

Do you think my parents would be mad if they found out I was planning to run away with David Clarke's daughter and I'm only 9? :)

Love Daniel.]

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