Dark Castle

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Y/n wakes up in a comfortable bed with torches lighting up the room. Y/n gets off the bed,and stubbs her toe against a bedside table.

Y/n"Ouch! Awe~"

Y/n leans against the grey brick walls,and rubs her hurting toe. Y/n had teary eyes due to the small pain. Y/n looks around the room with her painful toe aching,and in the corner lies a dark figure sitting in a chair.

Dark Link"Color me impressed."

Y/n gritted her teeth,and stood up straight to look brave. The looks over at Dark Link in frustration.

Y/n"Says the shadow elf in a dark corner planning to turn on a lamp light like a classical villain scene to try,and scare me."

Dark Link looks at the lamp,and shadows on by,laying in the comfortable bed Y/n was previously in. Y/n looks at Dark Link with caution. Dark Link could see Y/n was tanse.

Dark Link"Don't worry,I am not going to kill you,or anything. Remember the deal?"

Y/n remembers Dark Link's offer,and relaxed a bit. Dark Link cross his legs,and places his hands behind his head in relaxation. Due to the torches admitting a bit of light. Y/n could see Dark Link's appearance properly.

"He certainly looks like Link. But with pale white skin,gray hair,and red ruby color eyes. Could he be a shadow beast?"

Dark Link"I am not a shadow beast."

Y/n eyes widen due to Dark Link able to read her mind easily. Dark Link smirks.

"I really don't like this mind reading thing he is doing. It's annoying."

Dark Link rolls his red eyes,and sighs. Y/n smiles about Dark Link's frustration. Y/n then took the situation seriously,and was cautious again.

Y/n"If you aren't a Shadow Beast then what are you?"

Dark Link"I am Link."

Y/n was shocked to hear that then Y/n shook her head in disbelief,and walked towards the far end of the bedside.

Y/n"Your not Link. You just look like him. The Link I know is happy,and is a gentlemen unlike someone who kidnaps women against their will."

Y/n gently caresses the bed's wooden rails as Y/n closes her eyes,and remembers the time under the Willow tree. Dark Link stares a Y/n as she daydreamed. Dark Link then closed his eyes,and frowns.

Dark Link"Well,I am Link. Just a bit of him though."

Y/n stops daydreaming,and stares at Dark Link in confusion.

Y/n"What do you mean by that?"

Dark Link sits up,and glares at Y/n. Y/n tilts her head in confusion.

Dark Link"It's nothing. Do you want to make the deal or not?"

Y/n frowns as Dark Link was avoiding her questions. As Dark Link was still chilling on the bed.

Y/n"I don't know. I mean,I have no idea who you are,and your offer sounds cheap."

Y/n seriously glares at Dark Link at the end of the bed while Y/n stood her ground. Dark Link cracked a smile,and in a manipulating voice.

Dark Link"My offer sounds cheap,but what other choice you have?"

Y/n clutched her hands,and bit her lips. Dark Link had a smirk on his face as Y/n was speechless.

Y/n"As much as I love Link. I don't..."

Y/n thinks about the discussion she was about to make,and with a determined face.

Y/n"You have yourself a deal."

Dark Link grins,and stood up. Then creepily walks his way to Y/n. Y/n felt a shiver down her back as Dark Link showed his hand. Signaling that he wants a hand shake.

Dark Link"Let's shake on it."

Y/n looked at Dark Link's hand,and looked at her hand in hesitation. Then Y/n shook Dark Link's hand. Y/n could feel Dark Link's hands were cold as ice. Y/n looks at Dark Link's red ruby eyes,and she could see her reflection.

Y/n"I think you look just fine."

Dark Link"What?"

Y/n"Before,you said I would be frightened by your appearance,but I think you look quite fine. Dispute you looking like Link,and the pale skin. And all."

Dark Link took his hand away,and turned around. Dark Link then cleared his throat,and waved his finger in the air.

Dark Link"Yeah,whatever weirdo. We'll meet again at same time."

Y/n"W-wait what?"

Y/n could feel something grab her legs then starts to sink into the floor. Y/n then could see Dark Link's blushed face as she was sinking.

Dark Link"Oh,and btw. You've been sleeping for a whole day."

Y/n blinked a couple of times in disbelief as she woke up in bed in her cabin. Y/n sits up in her bed then looks at the window to see morning.


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