Face First

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Y/n puts on her apron as she was running down a slope hill to hopefully reach her job in time. Y/n swoosh past trees,and jumped over bushes. Y/n could see the villagers red rooftops from afar,and kept on running. Y/n breathes heavily as she ties her h/c hair was riding in the wind. Y/n then trips on a rock,and face planted into the ground.

Dark Link"Wow,face first."

Y/n pulls her head out of the ground,and gasp for air. Y/n looks to her side,and sees no one. Y/n could only see the trees shadows,and the bright morning sun. Y/n could her the bell rings,and forgets the voice. Y/n was outside of a registration office building,and enters in.

Y/n"I'm here!"

Y/n paints heavily as a co-work looks at Y/n nervously.

Co-worker"Yeah,you here,but what made you about to be late in the first place?"

Y/n wipes the sweat off her face,and nervously smiles to reassure the co-worker.

Y/n"W-well,I had a little encounter with Timberwolves."

"I hate lying to people,but how do I explain that I was kidnapped."

Co-worker"Timberwolves?!?! Are you ok?"

Y/n"Yeah,I am great now! You know me,I am great at dodging."

Y/n nervously laughs as her co-worker looked worried.

Co-worker"I am not sure about that,but there has been sightings of Timberwolves around lately. Maybe we should set that up as a job offer to figure out what is going on,and to stop too."

Y/n"Already on it!"

Y/n pulls up her sleeves,and started doing paperwork. People came in with registration papers,and etc. Y/n smiles as she did her work.

Y/n"Thank you! Come again!"

Y/n sighs,and goes into a break room. Y/n sat down,and rested for a bit.

Y/n"Today is exhausting."

Y/n rotates her neck as she tries to stretch. Dark Link sits across from Y/n with his legs crossed. Y/n took a few minutes to process Dark Link's sudden appearance.


Dark Link snaps near his ear to make sure he didn't go deaf by Y/n's yelling. Y/n was standing in front of Dark Link frustration.

Dark Link"Calm down,I am here yo make sure you don't go on telling people we made a deal."

Y/n"First of all,don't tell a girl to calm down,especially when she only got at least 4 hours of sleep. And second,if you don't trust me,why make a deal with me in the first place?"

The room was quite as Y/n's arms were crossed with a angery extension on her face.

Dark Link"That's because you're perfect. You work at a registration office meaning you have the most update information across Hyrule. And you have a relationship with Link as well as the kingdom. Not only that,you are most of all,desperate."

Y/n stood back stunned. Dark Link smirks as Y/n felt the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Y/n snaps out that trance once a Co-worker called her name.

Co-worker"Y/n!!! I need you out here!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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