Act 1

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6 years ago, A boy was frozen in a cryogenic state all because of the X-virus. The boy was diagnosed to have severe symptoms from the virus. To be placed in a cryogenic tube was expensive, but as all hell was breaking loose, there was no time to be picky. This is why most of the X-virus victims were frozen in cryo-tubes to prevent the virus from ever spreading as much as possible. Back to modern day, a vaccine was developed to help everyone gain immunity or resistance from the virus, and some who were given the vaccine developed abilities. The ability to bend invisible particles that affect the world around us. Although how do I know all of these? Well, because I am the boy who got frozen.

Two days ago

It felt cold as I opened my eyes. My body feels heavy, and every time I try to stay awake, I keep blacking out. Every time I try to open my eyes, the scenery changes. I saw a glass tube cover in front of me, then I saw passing hallway lights, and lastly, what seems to be a hospital room. The smell of medicine and disinfectants lingered in the air. I tried to move, but my body was dead tired and heavy.

"Don't even try kiddo, you just got sedated because of the toll your body just took from the vaccine."

I turned my head to the mysterious voice, and by the door, there stood a man in his late 30s. He wore a brown trench coat and had Logan-like facial hair. He walked next to the bed and sat on the chair next to it. "My name is Director Maximus, I am the head of Mutations and Newtant Administration or M.A.N.A for short. Now I know you must be wondering what is going on but let me ask you. What was the last thing you remember Mr. Whilst?" As he asked that question, my memories got triggered. Memories before my eyes, I couldn't breathe, and I felt like I was dying. They made me sign a waiver and placed me in a tube from the ones I saw earlier. I faced him and said, "I was placed in a cryostasis state, wasn't I?"

"Well at least we know your memory wasn't fussed up. That's all I need to tell you though." He stood up and approached the blinds by the window. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you that 6 years have gone already. There are a few changes here and there." he says as he opened the blinds to a view that shook me. People were running on air, gardeners producing green lights with their hands while tending to their plants, and other unexplainable and supernatural events portraying something as if they were a norm.

I turned to the Director, speechless, while he had a smug grin on his face. "What is this?! How is it possible?! Am I dreaming in cryo-state?!" I just couldn't comprehend what I just saw outside. He laughed and said, "Yeah when I first saw this, I couldn't believe it either too. See the vaccine gave some people certain side effects that gave them abilities to see and manipulate their surroundings. Although it is different for everybody, and before you ask, I will already tell you that we have no idea if you will manifest those abilities because you are an experimental patient." I gave him a perplexed look before asking, "What do you mean experimental? When did I agree to that?" He walked towards the door, saying, "The moment you signed that waver meant you were willing to be a guineapig to the government. Look at the bright side kiddo, you didn't die." With that, he just left without another word. I did not know what to think since I just saw a man run on air as if it was nothing. I turned on the TV, scrolling to my one source of knowledge, "Herstory Channel."

A week has passed, and I have learned a lot from the director and the staff. It has been 10 years so far since I have been frozen. They found out that the virus came from an accidental outbreak caused by specimens in a research lab from Sector C that was secretly funded by Area A. The virus is airborne but only lasts for 1 hour, but since at most 80% of the world's population have already been injected by the vaccine, the only symptom that can occur once infected by the virus is a nasal allergy. As for the 20% who haven't gone through vaccination will have difficulty breathing and will overheat to the point of internal combustion. The phenomena that occur outside to this day is due to some infected being given the vaccine, and some were not just cured but are mutated. The mutation activates a percentage of the brain that allows people to see and manipulate certain particles that cannot be seen by normal citizens. They have named these individuals as newtants. M.A.N.A is an administration that registers and keeps newtants in check. Newtants at the age of 16 and above need to undergo a Newtant Identification Test or N.I.T. to register their ability and determine if any precautionary measures are needed.

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