Carl Grimes {2}

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Walking along a road lined with houses, wandering through the state, hoping to find any of the living that hadn't wanted to kill you at first sight when suddenly, you spotted movement up ahead a few houses in front of you

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Walking along a road lined with houses, wandering through the state, hoping to find any of the living that hadn't wanted to kill you at first sight when suddenly, you spotted movement up ahead a few houses in front of you.

You dashed to hide near a car that seemed long ransacked of its gas and contents.

Stealthily, you moved closer to where you had spotted behind vehicles until you deemed yourself close enough.

Upon looking through a lessened distance, you noted that it was a kid, sat atop the roof of the porch, happily and contentedly eating something from a large tub.

You suppressed a chuckle as you watched him appear to be unbothered by the rotters trying to get at him in the window behind.

"Maybe this kid got a group. He dont seem so bad," you quietly muttered to yourself before ultimately deciding to reveal yourself, arms raised and weapons holstered.

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