Chapter 21 - Alone

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Double upload! Enjoy...
I watched as Eve sprinted further and further away, two of those things still chasing after her as I distracted the third. All I wanted to do was jump down and tear them to pieces, but I knew I would only get myself killed. The worst part was that there was nothing I could do.

With a reluctant grunt I dropped to the other side of the fence, ripping my bag from the grasps of the infected. I watched it attempt to scale the fence as I hurried to the school, rounding the corner just as it managed to reach the top on its 5th attempt. It wouldn't be long before it caught up if I wasn't careful.

Reaching a door, I was fortunate enough to find it unlocked before slipping into the complex trying to keep my cool. The first think I noticed was how dark it was, and silence, so much so that it drew me to an abrupt stop. I stood there, in the middle of the gloomy hall listening to my ragged breath, my eyes darting to the many doors that littered the walls. It took me a second to realize that any one of them could contain my worst nightmare.

Hesitantly, I started making my down the corridor my heart in my mouth, this suddenly didn't feel like such a good idea. I only seemed to be hopping from one problem to the next. But this time I was alone, no Jake to come running to the rescue and no Eve to watch my back. I was well and truly alone in a world full of 'zombies'. "Every nerd's fantasy" I chuckled to myself. Something about walking through an abandoned school really did send my heart racing and the silence was almost unbearable! I needed to stop and think.

Picking a classroom, I sloshed into the teacher's chair, slipping my bag onto the floor and propping my feet up on the table. "Afternoon class!" I announced, feeling stupid as soon as I said it. What had I been thinking? Right then plan! I leaned back, relaxing for the first time today, realizing how tired I really felt, I was exhausted! This end of the world stuff really did take it out of you. No, I need to think, what was it Jack had said before we had left them? Something about a church... oh meet at the church! What church? Great so now I have to find some church and Eve, all before dark or I'll be left for dead. Sounds like a plan. Opening the bag I snuck a packet of biscuit after gulping down a bottle of water. Much better.

My mind couldn't help but turn to Eve as I stared out the long window. She could be dead for all I know, or one of them. It didn't seem so long ago that we were back at school wondering through the familiar corridors, are only worries being are study's, not are life's. I would never of thought that a month later I would be living behind close gates, better than out here though. Then again, I would never of thought I would be with Eve! It was all my fault, all of this... If we hadn't been playing around she could still be here.

The silence was harshly broken by a loud, scratchy bang, far too close for my liking. It sounded like it was inside as well! Here we go again. Springing to my feet I awkwardly swung my bag over my good arm, poking my head out of the door before I jogged the opposite direction. My objective... the roof. So I could get my bearings and away from whatever was making that racket! Thinking about It, it sounded more like a person than one of those things. I wasn't going to hang around to find out.

But before I could get far I heard another bang behind me, and another, and another getting closer and closer. Thinking fast I dove into the nearest classroom, looking around for something I could use as a weapon, anything. My eyes fell on a sturdy wooden stool that I could wield with one hand. Picking It up I waited with baited breath, hidden in the gloominess of the doorway.

The banging had stopped, leaving silence to sneak in, my heart a relentless drum. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck rising, my grip on the stool tightening. Footsteps began echoing down the corridor, two sets... Sprinting rapidly my way. I could hear the grunts and groans of what must be one of those things and my own breath quickening.

3... 2... 1...

With a roar I stepped out from the doorway, swinging the stool like a bat. The world seemed to slow down as I watched Jamie?! Suddenly notice me, falling to her knees and skidding under my swing at the last minute. The monster behind her, however, flew straight into the stools path, making contact with its face with a sickening crack, sending it to the floor. Before it could get up I was on top of it dealing blow after blow to its face, leaving it twitching in a bloody heap.

"Seth is that you?"

I nodded, too exhausted to reply as I slumped onto the floor, throwing the stained stool away and propping myself up against the wall. I felt sick.

"That... was too close, you sure it's dead?"

I nodded, attempting to keep the biscuits from coming up.

"It's good to see a familiar face, where's Eve?" She practically whispered.

"... alive..." I managed. "But I don't know where."

"Where did you lose her..."

"Outside the fence... there was three of them on us."

"Ouch, I found this one wandering around the playground, nice swing, by the way."

"Thanks, so how come you're here?"

"Same reason you are, big fence and plenty of hiding places."

"You seen anyone else?"

"Not since we broke up, just you and this kid."

I chuckled, "you always this causal?"

"Only when I'm near death's door. Didn't Jack say to meet at the church?"

"That's what I heard, you know where that is?"

"Nope, you?"

"Nope, I was heading for the roof to have a look before you busted through."

"Let's get going then," she finished, rising to her feet.

Reluctantly, I pushed myself up looking at the mauled corpse that lay near by, it was still twitching.

"You okay Seth?"

"Yeah, just a bit ruff for wear."

"You didn't get any of that blood on you, did you!"

Looking at my hand, I realized I was covered in the stuff! "Just a bit... It's okay as long as I don't
get it inside me right?" I could hear the panic in my voice.

"I think so... Just don't lick your hand, we'll find somewhere for you to wash it off!" I noticed the fear in her eyes. "Just tell me if you feel like eating me."

"No problem."

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