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Of course, a camera was focusing on the reactions of the two guys. Soobin was crying, too. But he stayed in his place, the tears were slow and silent, compared to Wooyoung. He was forced to turn again, though, to bow and thank the audience, the judges and everyone, before getting his chance to run away in the backstage and stay alone with his thoughts and his tears.

Well, not properly alone.

Of course, after a short time, all the other finalists broke into the room and cheered the two. This means that the room was now filled of screams, tears and people running all around, making Wooyoung feel even more uncomfortable with himself and his feelings, still shaking for them.

Of course, it was only a matter of seconds before Choi San reached him and forced his body in a tight hug, pushing his face in his neck and crying. Seonghwa reached too and joined the hug.

"I'm so happy to see you again, Woo. You deserve to be here." He stepped back after a second, the intention was to leave Wooyoung enough space to breath, but San wasn't of the same opinion. He was hugging the shorter and giving no signals about moving from there.

Wooyoung chuckled and brushed his hair, smelling it. He couldn't imagine that San was so desperate for his reappearance, or how bad his week had been. He knew how his own week had gone, between crying for him and for his inconsistent achievements in life, basically. But some dark voice inside him kept saying that he was overreacting, that San was doing fine and that it's only one week before you can talk again, it's not a tragedy.

But the sobbing guy in his neck wasn't saying so. Wooyoung buried his nose in his hair, enjoying the smell and smiling. His own tears were finally stopping.

"I missed you so much." he whispered in San's ear. This caused the taller to realise that he stayed in that comfortable place for a little too long, that they were still in the backstage with many people around. He took a step back but kept his look on the floor, suddenly blushing.

Wooyoung immediately wiped San's face to brush away all the tears and giving the other a little smile. He couldn't believe how San managed to raise his mood up every single time, letting him forget every negative thought by just his presence. Or his cuteness, basically.

"We will talk later, ok?" Wooyoung whispered again and San nodded.

Seonghwa couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I knew that you were a bottom, San, but I couldn't imagine at what level." he said in a chuckle. San gave him a laser glance, while Wooyoung bursted into his loud laugh, the first one of that night. Luckily, this sound was so comfortable for San, or he'd killed Seonghwa.

" Listen, he's been crying after you for the whole week. Collect your man, dude."

___ ° ___

"So, you cried for me? You did, for real?" Wooyoung and San sat on the floor of the dance studio, only the light from the window to make them see something. San was sitting in between Wooyoung's legs, hands wrapped around his neck when facing each other, staring into the deep brown of their eyes.

"I missed you. It was unfair, we all know. Glad to see that you're here again.

How was your week? I've been so worried for you."

Wooyoung could see San's blush even by that muffled light.

"You're so cute, I swear."

"Stop saying it!" San whined and blushed more. "Maybe it was better when you were at home and people didn't think that I'm an unstable emotional bottom." he dared to say, but Wooyoung didn't like that and pinched his sides.

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