Chapter 47 - Lost Revenge

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"Together we are stronger." Billie's voice replayed in my mind as I stood alone in my office.

I poured myself some whiskey from the decanter on my desk and then wandered over to the window. The sun was setting in the distance on another arduous day. I glanced down at the puncture wounds on my palm, my jaw clenched tight. It was just a reminder of the audacity of my enemies, they were becoming more brazen now I had someone I was afraid of losing.

Billie had shown such strength to the men, she reminded them we do not take threats lightly nor do we cower to anybody. In my rage-fueled mind, she shined through bringing me back to my senses. Anger was replaced by admiration, devotion, I felt so proud of her. I wondered if she could even see how strong she was? I saw her strength the first day I met her. The fire that burned with every determined step she took. Her whole world was upside down that day yet she still pushed herself to keep going. Giving up can be the easy option, carrying on at your lowest is what shows just how strong you truly are.

I took one last swig of my whiskey and then placed it into the windowsill with a frustrated sigh. I couldn't help but feel restless and uneasy. We had the man who had delivered the roses detained, I wanted to go and give him the send-off Taylor deserved by my hands. I wasn't used to sitting around or holding back while I could be doing things but Billie needed me here. The fact I make her feel safe and can bring her that comfort means more to me than anything. No revenge could ever bring me more joy than her love.

I had spent most of the day on phone calls and meetings with Arthur and Wyatt. With everything I had uncovered at the hospital, I needed answers now more than ever. I wanted them to start looking into everything from my parents to Billies, even her grandad. I wanted every piece of this puzzle so I could piece it all together, all I had right now were the edges. Once I find the final piece, I can only hope Billie will still look at me the way she does now. Isn't it selfish to want to look someone in the eye guilt-free if the truth, in turn, causes them heartbreak?

"I got it." Her sweet voice snapped me out of my spiralling angst thoughts.

I turned around and smiled as she bounded over to me, her smile was enough to push those thoughts to the back of my mind. I'd never want to wipe that beautiful smile from her face. I could swallow the guilt to protect that for as long as possible. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the couch. I sat down and she sat next to me putting the first aid bag on the coffee table.

"Sorry, I didn't know where it was. I had to get Raph to show me but at least I know now. When, I mean if I need it again, I'll know." She was rambling and her voice was shaken. "Jordan said there's another one in the bathroom upstairs so-."

"Are you okay?" I reached for her hand that was rummaging through the first aid kit, she gulped hard as if she was about to cry.

"Mmm-hmm." She nodded as she pulled her hand away. She found the antibacterial wipes and then reached for my bloodied hand. She ran her fingers along the puncture wounds before her head fell on my hand and she started sobbing. I furrowed my brow and then pulled her onto my lap.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I held her. "I was just..."

The list of emotions I felt when I saw that rose weren't even comprehendible. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tighter. I ran my hand through her hair and closed my eyes, it felt as if nothing else mattered. I didn't want to ever know what it would be like to not feel her loving embrace. The thought of her leaving once she found out the truth was a fear I was haunted by in moments like this.

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