The Spark and The Shadow

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A spark is all you need to start a great flame. That spark can be the flames in the winter that keep you warm, the fire in your kitchen to cook your food, or a raging inferno of desire in your heart. A spark is your beginning and can become something beautiful.

A shadow is made for every light. One spark may light a fire, but most fade away. A spark alone has no meaning, no destination, and no future. The shadows will consume it and it's potential. Without the care and compassion to act as tinder to catch the spark, shadows will grow. Doubt, loneliness, and a void in your heart will take it's place.

Catch your sparks, hold them close and dear. Only then can keep your shadows at bay and live on. Share the fire in your heart with those you love. As humanity started with fire, the world with it's sun, and the universe with a bang, you shall start with that spark in your world.

-This one is a bit further off from the world trend, but what is a world without light?

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