Chapter 11

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Sakura slowly opens her eyes as she processed were she was "are you alright?" I say carefully. She looks up to me and slightly furrows her brows probably confused on why im wearing my mask again "ya" I nod and stand up going to move back to my post but sakura grabs my hand stopping me "wait, i saw you follow kakashi-sensei is sasuke alright" I turn around to face her "he's resting in the hospital, if you want i can take you but you'll miss the end of the preliminares" We both looked over at kakashi and he give a nod while reading not bothering to take his eyes off the page. I help sakura up but she clearly doesn't have the strength to stand on her own so i do the logical thing and sweep her into my arms.

She gasps at the sudden action before a light shade of pink dusted her cheeks "Kakashi make sure to pay atleast some attention to the explanation of the finals" I say before i whirl away with sakura in my arms. We arrive in sasuke hospital room and i set sakura down. She moves to her teammates side immediatly and wraps her hands around one of his "could you explain how he got the mark?" I say as i glance at kakashi's hidden clone. "well it started with taiza-" "uh? sorry to interupt but who's taiza, is it someone from the rookie 9?" She shakes her head "he was your stand in, he's a year older" I nod in understanding as she continues "well he got blasted by this attack out of nowhere that sperated us"

I take a seat on the opposite side of the room "the this grass nin showed up and we fought him but he overpowered us easily so, sasuke offered him our scroll because we knew we weren't going to win but taiza show up and grabbed the scroll, then the grass nin did this weird thing were he shead his skin like a snake and attacked us again after saying he wasn't intrested in our scroll, he even burned his scroll" I hum lightly to myself this was all definaly something that orochimaru would do "thats when he shot his head out a bit sasuke, giving him that mark, taiza went to attack his neck but the guy pulled his fangs out and use his head to hit taiza, he was knocked out cold so, i ran off with the two bodys and hid"

I smile lightly "you managed to protect both your teammates in the forest of death while other nin were hunting you, thats pretty good" She flushed at the comment but then moved to a more sarrowful face as she squeezed sasukes hand "ya, i just wish i could've stopped that guy before he hurt sasuke" I stand up and walk over to her then gently lay a hand on her shoulder "you did the best you could against an opponent that could easily kill most jonin, now did the man say anything to sasuke about power?" Sakura's eye flashed with recognision "yes he said something like i could give you the power you want if you seek me out, or something like that he was a bit criptic"

I slightly grimace 'i'll have to convince sasuke that i can give him power that orochimaru can't' I feel a presence by the door and they don't have good intentions, i glance at kakashi's clone and give a nod. He moves to deal with the threat as i put sakura and the room under a strong genjutsu. I stay within the genjutsu with sakura while carefully using my sensory powers to stay safe. We talk for a while till i feel glass shattering and i quickly snap out of the jutsu to see the real kakashi run over to a sharttered window "what happened?" "orochimaru's lacky" I nod slightly "after sasuke?" He grimaces as i release both genjutsu's. "You up for taking on a student?" I smirk "i was planning on it" "good"

"You know any good medical nin?" I say as i move to sasuke side. "i know a few why?" I glance at kakashi before leaning against the wall "for sakura" He hums while sakura interupts "why a medical nin?" I smile at her "your chakra reserves are medium at best and you don't hold a clan to give you any sort of secret technic you'll probably end up at mid-jonin even if you work your ass off, however you have outstanding chakra control which is essential for medic-nin's but is rather rare to find, take me for exaple i've been training since i was around 5 or 6 and have almost perfect chakra control for someone with my large chakra reserves but i can't learn any medical ninjutsu passed the basics"

She seems to proccess the information quickly and asks a question "but if my chakra level are medium, won't the amount of people i can heal be low?" I lightly smile at the question before explaining best i can "medical ninjutsu does require a decent amount of chakra if you aren't good at chakra control, but when you have the amount of control you have a little goes a long way, and thats not to say you can't go the other way with healing technics and use brut force to heal, which is exactly what i do by using large amounts of chakra to heal" I see her glance at the unconsious body before answering "okay, sounds good i'll be a medic-nin" "hold on a second why not see if you like medical ninjutsu first"

She flushes as she realises that she got ahead of herself and nods "alright well time to wake sleeping beauty" I put a hand over his head and carefully pump some of my chakra through his system. "I found a half decent medic-nin that could train sakura in the basic's but thats it" "alright kashi, you should alternate days of training for sakura, one day with you the other day with medical nin so, we keep her chakra at a easily manipulated level" I say as i finish running my chakra through sasuke. "uh i just remembered that i'm not in the finals so, shouldn't kakashi-sensei train you or sasuke?" I move my hand from the waking uchiha as i respond "i'll be training sasuke and im not really in the exams its just a show of strength to me."

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