New Avengers

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"I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Yagi, but your son here is quirkless" said the doctor.

"I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo, but your son here is quirkless" said another doctor.

"I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki, but your son here is quirkless" said yet another doctor.

That was the day everything changed. Izuku Yagi, son of All Might and Green Magnet, was quirkless. While his twin sister, Izumi Yagi, had gotten a very powerful telekinesis quirk.

Katsuki Bakugo was also diagnosed quirkless. While his twin sister, Katsumi Bakugo, got a very powerful explosion quirk.

And Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor and Ice Queen, was quirkless as well. But his twin sister, Shoka Todoroki, got a very powerful half ice half fire quirk.

As the years went on, their parents completely ignored and neglected them, while their twin sisters bullied them.

But no matter what pain and suffering they went through, the three of them always had each other.

Then one day when they were in middle school...

Izuku, Izumi, Katsuki, Katsumi, Shoto, and Shoka all sat in class with the others.

"Alright, class. You're gonna be graduating from middle school soon, it's time to think about your futures. But who am I kidding, you all wanna be heroes!" said the teacher.

Most of the class started cheering, save for the quirkless trio.

"Please. You can't possible compare us to these extras" said Katsumi.

"Ah yes, Katsumi Bakugo. You, Izumi Yagi, and Shoka Todoroki have also applied to UA, right?" said the teacher.

"Damn right! We're gonna get into UA and be the best heroes there ever were!" said Shoka.

"And we'll surpass even All Might!" said Izumi.

"Oh, and your twin brothers also applied to UA, right?" said the teacher.

Izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka immediately turned their heads to their brothers and glared at them. Katsumi slammed her fist down onto her brother's desk.


"That's enough, Ms. Bakugo" said the teacher.

After that it was the end of the day, Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki were about to head home, when their sisters stopped them.

"Where do you losers think you're going?" said Izumi.

"We're going home. Now leave us alone" said Shoto.

Katsumi then grabbed Izuku's notebook out of his hand.

"Hey! Give it back!" said Izuku as he tried to grab his notebook back.

"What's this?! 'Hero Analysis For The Future'?! That's so dumb!" said Katsumi.

"It's so we can become heroes" said Izuku.

"I thought we told you three to give up" said Shoka.

"We'll never give up! We're gonna be heroes and prove you bitches wrong!" said Katsuki.

"You need quirks to be heroes" said Izumi.

Katsumi then blasted Izuku's notebook with an explosion, then threw it out the window.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" screamed Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto.

"Come on, girls. We got better things to do" said Katsumi as they all turned to leave.

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