Becoming Avengers

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Over the next few months Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki trained extremely. They were taught many skills by the Avengers. They were trained in multiple forms of hand to hand combat, learned tech skills, and were taught the history of the Avengers.

During their time with the Avengers they never went home. The three of them wanted nothing more to do with their families. But they soon learned that their families did, in fact, miss them. They had seen news reports about them, and missing posters with their pictures on them. But they didn't care, they still weren't gonna forgive their families for what they did.

One day, Izuku went to go train with Steve, Katsuki went to go train with Tony, and Shoto went to go train with Thor.

"Alright, Izuku. I've trained you well, and now you're ready to become a super soldier" said Steve.

"Holy crap! Really?!" said Izuku in excitement.

"That's right. You've proven yourself capable" said Steve.

"But how would I even become a super soldier? I thought the formula to making it died with Dr. Erskine" said Izuku.

"Not true. We discovered one last sample of the super soldier serum, and we'd like to give it to you" said Steve.

"Is it safe?" asked Izuku.

"It should be" said Steve.

"Alright. Let's do it" said Izuku.

After that they went into a laboratory where a ton of scientists were. Izuku then took his shirt off, and stepped inside of a giant metal pod.

"Being the procedure" said one scientist.

The other scientists flipped a few switches and pressed a few buttons, and the inside of the pod started glowing. Izuku screamed in pain, but he endured it.

"Is he gonna be ok?!" asked Natasha as she entered the room.

"He's gonna be fine, Nat. Don't worry" said Steve.

A few moments later, the procedure was done, and the pod opened. Izuku came out ripped.

"I feel good" said Izuku

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"I feel good" said Izuku.

"You're now a super soldier, Izuku. Here's your shield" said Steve as he handed Izuku a metal wrist device.

"This isn't a shield" said Izuku.

"Put it on, then press the button. You'll see" said Steve.

Izuku put the wrist device on, then pressed the button on it. Next thing he knew, a large holographic shield appeared out of it.

 Next thing he knew, a large holographic shield appeared out of it

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