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~One Year Later~

"Alexander," Robert barged into my room and I stifled a groan. Most people were awoken by soft light flowing into their room. Or with the smell of their significant other making a tasty breakfast wafting into their nostrils. But, of course, my sleep was rudely interrupted by a bear of an Italian man with a bald head and a too-tight suit. "Get up, it's time for school."

"Unfortunately for you and fortunately for me, I'm sick. Hit the road, Robby." My tutor had taken it upon herself to teach me idioms and so far I was loving the lessons. Everyone else in my life however, absolutely despised them.

"You're the first kid I've met who's sick every day of the goddamn week."

Robert folded his arms across his chest. Doing the classic I'm an adult so do what I say stance.

"Not to toot-my-own-horn but, I'm unique."

"Get up."

"Stop busting my chops."


"No Pain, No Gain."


"Don't be a stick in the mud, Rob." I waved my hand lethargically and rolled around in bed. "Now leave before I call my daddy and tell him alll about you." I sang.

I could feel his glower blazing into the top of my head but, truthfully I didn't care. If making Robert mad meant I got to skip a yawn-worthy english lesson and an excruciating run during gym class then he could stay livid until the day he kicked the bucket. "If you really piss me off I'll even lie and say you hit me. He'll probably chop those tiny balls of yours right off."

Robert scoffed, "I cannot believe this is my life." He yanked the blankets off my body, exposing me to the cool air my fan imposed.

"Up. Now."

I narrowed my eyes and sat up, pulling the other side of the blanket up and towards my chest.


"Yes." He tugged my covers, my safe haven.

"No." I pulled them back. This had to be fricken child abuse.




"Alexander." I released that blanket with the speed of a damn rocket. Robert flew back, stumbling over himself as he crashed into my desk. The splintered wood landing all over my room would've annoyed me if I wasn't a little preoccupied with making sure my father didn't strangle me.

"Pops!" I grinned, tilting my gaze up to him. "I thought you were gone? How was Italy?"

He didn't buy my shit for even a split second.

"Get out of bed, now."

And because I did have a sense of self preservation contrary to popular belief I immediately did what he said.

"I missed you." I said once I was on my feet, shifting nervously. His narrowed his right eye, the only one not covered in a pirate-like patch.

"Why are you causing trouble?" He slipped a cigar between his lips and pulled out a gold lion-encrusted lighter from his pocket. "Should I expect you to misbehave every time I am not here?" He lit the cigar and exhaled, letting the smell of ash cloud the air like helium and soak into my lungs.

"Papa," I began, looking him straight in his steel grey eye. If there was one thing about Vincenzo that was note worthy (and there wasn't much) it was his loyalty to honor. Omertà, he called it. Taking accountability for what I did would be the quickest way out of the shit hole I put myself in.

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