Book 1.1: Color Of His Eyes

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Another dreary morning, where every color is dull, and Y/N is waking up from a groggy midafternoon nap. Another boring day, another boring- the thoughts interrupted by a loud knocking from the door to the apartment. Y/N had recently moved there, so they could be free of the chaos of home. Having three younger brothers does that to you, of course. You DID know Y/N had three little brothers, didn't you?

They open the door while putting their untidy hair into a ponytail, and greet their friend, glad for her sudden arrival. Letting their friend enter, they return to their outfit planning, deciding to stick to comfy- a loose turtleneck sweater, clearly a light brown color, and black sweatpants. Thankfully, their friend was able to see colors clearly- she is married to her soulmate already, and living the happy lesbian life with an adopted son- and confirmed that they had picked the right color.

"So, what brought you to my humble abode? A forgotten party, a missed deadline? Some new gossip, perhaps?"

"Whaaat, Nah, can't I just visit my bestie? You ARE the one who told me to go talk to my crush back in high school! Why, without you, I'd never have guessed she was my soulmate! You're like, the MOST trusted person in my life. Really!"

"Oh? Well then, any ideas on what we should do today, then?"

"Well, there's that new movie premiering today, and then we could grab some slushies and walk around Cobb Square Park? Who knows, maybe you'll bump into your soulmate today!"

"Yeah... maybe."

With that said, both pick up their bags and head out, their friend grinning ear to ear. They were in walking distance from here, which was extremely convenient, as was the park being just a couple blocks down from there.

It was a cheesy movie, but it was fairly cute, honestly. It distracted Y/N from whatever they had been thinking earlier, that's for sure. The pair we're chatting away, and stopped for some slushies from the little ice cream shop on the way to the park.

The park was as expected, with leaves falling and almost covering the path, despite being in the middle of June.

They walked all the way to the center of the park, and their friend tosses a coin in. She then jokingly shouts that she wishes that Y/N would hurry up and find their soulmate already, so that she wouldn't have to color check for them anymore, causing the pair to burst into laughter. They received a couple stares, but also some laughs from the other park guests.

They proceeded away from the fountain, and Y/N was walking backwards, to hold a better conversation with their friend.

However, this would lead to disaster as they bump right into someone, and accidentally throw their hands up in surprise- effectively dumping the rest of the slushie on themselves and the person they bumped into.

They began apologizing profusely to the stranger, who then looked at them strangely, with oddly vibrant green eyes- Oh No. Their friend already picked up on it too,

"Oh... Well! It's nice to meet you, I'm Rover. Sorry for bumping into you Mx... Excuse me, but... What is your name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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