Chapter 1: New beginning

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this story is going to have a few characters who aren't related to the canon story but they will be pretty much irrelevant to the book's plot!

Also feel free to change the place you moved from, its easy to swap out in the story.



y/n's POV:

In Malta you weren't as social, you didn't really make friends and you had a pretty boring life. During the summer you changed a lot and grew as a person but by then you didn't really feel the need to start any friendships there.

I moved to Japan this year from Malta, a tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranian sea (a/n: this is a real place, I live here lol) my parents weren't too keen on the idea of me moving here alone but they trust that I'm responsible and my dream is to get into the hero course at UA high.

Unfortunately i missed the entrance exams but with my quirk, I hoped to have a chance at getting in anyways. Lucky for me I got a hold of a late entrance slip, filled it, and sent it in.

I'm currently renting a normal size flat with 1 bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and living room, and a small storage room which I turned my training room. I didn't bring a whole lot with me and before I left Malta I sold a lot of my things and changed my money from euros to yen

(a/n: considering I'm Maltese I have little knowledge of the conversion rate from euro to yen so if any of you happen to be Japanese I'm sorry, I'm going to try not to bring up exact amounts of money as to not mess up )

*small time skip*

I took a week to settle into my new environment which didn't take long as I got to know the people who live above me, who have a little girl who started calling me nee-san. This Wednesday I have my UA entrance exams for late applications consisting of a written and a physical test, hopefully I make it into the hero course.

I spent the next few days studying like a madwoman and training constantly memorizing as much information as possible and eating my usual balance of meat, fruit, and vegetables. My exam is at 11am but attendees were asked to come 30 minutes before to give in our identification and what not.

*fast forward to Wednesday morning*

My alarm blasted at 5:00 am leaving me with 5 hours to get ready. I shower, eat breakfast and get dressed into my gym uniform, and threw on some clothes on top.

at 9:30am I check everything and leave, making my way to the examination center of UA high! I arrive with 20 minutes to spare so i take a look around and see a few other teens roughly my age, me being a social being i walk up to them and try to make conversation not noticing their facial expressions...

Y/N at UA high~Where stories live. Discover now