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Y/n PoV :

T-taehyung ?

My eyes widened seeing taehyung crying like this . I have known him for more than 5 yrs now and never have I seen him cry .

This is the first time I m seeing him crying and that too he is sobbing very hard .

Did something bad happen ?

I didn't know if he would like me to talk to him at this moment . I guess he would hate it . But I can't leave him alone in this state .

I kept my hand on his shoulder and called his name again . My heart was shattering into pieces seeing him crying . He removed his hands and saw me . As soon  as he saw me he clenched his jaw and roughly wiped his tears .

What are you doing here ?

He asked and I could see he was trying his best not to shed tears .

What happened taehyung? You can talk to me .

He scoffed .

Talk to you ? Never .

He turned around and wiped his tears .

I will never judge you taehyung and I m not here to make fun of you if think that way .

Just go away .

But you clearly need someone to be with you . I can't leave you alone .

For fu*k's sake leave me alone y/n .

He yelled making me flinch .

I was just trying to help you .

I don't need your help . I don't need anyone's help . Just get lost from my sight . You are the last person I would want with me right now .

He was trying to be confident about what he was saying but I could feel the pain in his voice . My heart hurt not because he wants me to get lost but because seeing him so vulnerable.

He always appeared to be a strong one , a perfect one . But who would think taehyung also would cry . Never have I expected to see him so weak .

He saw that I was not moving so he groaned and left away . I didn't wanted to leave him in the state . He is suffering and I don't him to leave like that . I want to make sure he is fine and reach home safely . So I followed him from far away wishing not to be noticed .

I saw him walking to his house but as soon as he reached his porch his steps hesitated . He hesitated to knock on the door . I was confused by his actions . It's his house and why is he hesitating so much . He knocked on the door and even rung the bell .

It's been 10 minutes and no one was opening the door . Is anyone at home ? Doesn't taehyung has keys for his home ?

He ruffled his hair in frustration and walked away from his house . I followed him again . This time he went to one of his friends house . His mom opened the door and she said something which I couldn't hear . Taehyung nodded his head looking down and left from there .

Looks like his friend is not at home . But where is taehyung going now ? I got a call from yoongi and he was shouting at me for not returning home in time . I looked at the time and it was 9:00 pm .

Wow time went by very fast . I didn't even realise the time . It's late and I should be home . But I saw taehyung going to the park and sitting on the bench . He pulled his knees together and hugged them . He buried his head in his knees .

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