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Y/n PoV :

Few months later ;

I indulged myself in studies to distract my mind from taehyung and I guess it's working .

I m not seeing taehyung much in the college . Sometimes I see him in cafeteria with the girl I saw him hugging . Whenever I see him he is always with her .

She is really beautiful . I am jealous of her but I shouldn't be . It hurt me a lot whenever I see him with that girl laughing and smiling . How I wish that girl was me . How I wish I could make him laugh like that . But I know my future . And that future says me and taehyung will never be together .

So I shouldn't have any hopes . I avoid going to the cafeteria in order not to see him . I don't even go near his block because I m afraid that I may come across him .

I am preparing my heart to forget him . It's hard to forget him because I have loved him for 7yrs . But I m trying my best to forget him . That's why I am avoiding all the possible ways that will make me come across him .

Yoongi and leyda tried to set me up on blind dates . They wanted me to forget taehyung and move on . I also wanted that so I went on blind dates . But no one reached my standards . Everytime I go on a blind date I see myself comparing the guy to taehyung.

Taehyung is just perfect and no one can beat him . So it's hard for me to chose any guy other than taehyung. Why do I even compare them to taehyung when I want to move on from him . I can't understand myself . I hate myself so much . I m being very weak and I hate it .

I totally indulged myself in my studies since the blind date thing is not working . I also started enjoying my life . Before I never drank alcohol and I never went to pubs. I used to rarely go shopping. But now I always find myself going to shopping whenever I m bored .

Me and leyda go to pubs once in a month and we drink . We enjoy ourselves and that's helping me a lot to get off my mind from taehyung.

Before I was not good at studies but now I m on top 5 students in my class . I am getting good grades and I am very satisfied with myself . Soon I have my finals coming . I am aiming for the first place . I hope I get it .

Time skip ;

My final results came out and I came in the second place . I aimed for the first place but I couldn't . But still it was fine . I am happy . Back in school I used to top the class from the last but now I became a topper . And it's all because of taehyung. I wanted to distract my mind from him and I m succeeding .

I will just keep myself busy in other things so that I will forget about him completely . My parents and yoongi were so happy about my results .

I want a party .

Leyda asked wrapping her arm around my shoulder . I raised my eyebrow at her playfully .

Chose a place .

I smirked . Her eyes widened in excitement.

Really ? I get to chose the place . Wow . So there's this place that has opened recently and I heard that they have a special drink which tastes like heaven .

Perfect . Let's go there .

But y/n there is one problem .

What is it ?

I heard that the place is expensive.

No problem leyda . Let's enjoy tonight . I have worked so hard and I want to party hard .

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