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-" Now that we made a castle, we have to choose a dino king and a dino prince ! "

Jake choose two dinos, one pink to be the king and one purple to be the prince. Jungwon and Sunoo agreed to his choice and they began to play with all their dinos. At one moment Jake began to get bored to play at this kind of game and he wanted to go to the swings but Jungwon, him, wanted to keep playing with the dinos which lead to a disagreement.

-" We can play with the dinos after going to the swings ! "

-" And we can go to the swings after playing with the dinos ! Swings are not fun, you play alone on it ! "

-" Dinos are not fun ! It's only for babies like you ! "

Sunoo lowered his head. Does Jake was mad at him because he was 2 years old even though in a couple of months he will officially turn 3 ? Or maybe he was only mad at Wonie because he wanted to play with the dinos with Jake ?

Sunoo wanted to keep playing with the dinos though.

-" I'm not a baby anymore, daddy said that I was a big boy ! Because I am 3 years old now ! "

-" Maybe but I'll be 4 years old and I go to school so I'm bigger than you and I'm your hyung so we go to the swings ! "

-" I'm not friends with you anymore ! Come on Ddeonu we're going to play with our dada ! "

-" I was friends with Ddeonu first you can't keep him for you, it's not nice "

-" Why are you shouting at each other face ? "

Jay perked that the kids were arguing and knowing that his son could sometimes use his little fist, he decided to solve the problem with them.

-" Jake hyung didn't want to play with the dinos anymore "

-" Uncle, wonie doesn't want to play with me on the swings ! "

-" You can play by your own, right ? It doesn't matter if Jake doesn't want to play with the dinos anymore or if wonie doesn't want to play on the swings. You didn't even ask Sunoo's opinion. "

Jungwon and Jake turn their faces to Sunoo and both asked him with their looks. Sunoo kinda got shy because everyone waited for him to agree either on Jake or Jungwon idea.

However he kinda miss his dad right now.

-" I want to play with
my dada ... "

Suddenly Jungwon's face light up and clinged onto his dad.

-" Appa, I want you to play with me ! "

-" And me I want to Heeseung uncle to play with me "

-" Then I guess that we will do that "

Jay said while scratching his the back of his neck, he wanted to stay sat on the bench but he had some responsibilities now.

-" Okay darling I'll play with you. What do you want to
play with ? "

Jungwon answered Dino while Jake and Sunoo were going to their uncle and dad. Sunghoon tried to pursue Sunoo and Jake to play together but it only remain to make his own son cry.

Heeseung agreed to play with Jake and let dad and son together.

-" Stop crying Sunoo-ah, you're a big boy now "

-" B-but ... dada ... doesn't want to ... play with ... me "

He couldn't say that without hiccuping so Sunghoon put him on his laps and rub his back.

Obliviously Sunoo was kinda tired, he usually didn't cry for such things like that but he needed attention right now.

-" You're tired, aren't you ? "

Sunoo shake his head vigorously, he didn't want to sleep even if his body wanted it badly. He wanted to play with his dad even though Jake was a really nice friend, going on the swings alone was kinda scary for him.

-" No, Sunoo doesn't need a nap anymore. "

However the little boy eyes slowly closed by themselves while his father rock him back and fourth. Sunghoon chuckled, Sunoo wasn't a great liar and it was probably something he inherited from his dad, knowing how much his mom was great to manipulate people.

Sunghoon placed soft kisses on his baby's forehead and cheeks while wrapping his arms tightly around his little body to secured him and protect him from nightmares.

-" You can sleep baby "

He also gently put a cap and some sunscreen on Sunoo to prevent some sickness because of the sun and the heat.

Sunoo let his body fully rest on his dad's chest and put his thumb in his mouth. Sunghoon didn't say anything this time, he usually didn't let his son to sleep while sucking his thumb and prefer him to use his pacifier but he let it slide for today.

He watched Jay and Heeseung play with Jake and Jungwon. Unlike Jake, Jungwon was a really calm child who can play at the same thing for a long time but Jake was getting bored really easily, he didn't stay long on the swings and went to play again with Jay and Jungwon.
Heeseung quickly came back and sat beside Sunghoon.

-" Playing seems really tiring "

Heeseung put his big hand on Sunoo's head and brushed his little hair that were out of the cap.

-" By the way, I want to ask you if you're free on Friday's evening ? "

Sunghoon thought about it, he didn't exactly knew why Heeseung asked him that even though he secretly hope for a little hang out far away from the stress of his daily life.

-" Yes, I am "

-" I saw a movie that seems cool on theater and I wondered if you want to accompany
me ? "

-" Oh yeah it would be really great hyung. "

-" I'll take care of Sunoo while both of you go on date if you want. "

Jay who seemed to heard all the conversation sat on the bench, Jake was playing again with Jungwon.

-" It's not a date Jay we're just going to watch a movie "

Jay sighed but nodded anyway, not really convinced about Heeseung's explanation.

-" Do you think Jungwon won't be bother by the fact that another kid is staying at your place ? "

-" Are you kidding me ? He will be so happy especially if it's Sunoo. Don't worry about it Sung', Wonie is going to take care of him too. "

This was something Sunghoon needed to hear. He didn't want to bother Jungwon especially if he is not familiar with other kid sleeping at his place but if his own dads said that it wasn't a matter it was probably because it wasn't a matter at all.

-" Drive him to my place in the afternoon so he will eat some pancakes or whatever he wants with Wonie. "

So Sunghoon agreed to accompany Heeseung on Friday evening and he also agreed to let Jay take care of Sunoo. Nothing bad could happen anyway. He trusts Jay.

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