Chapter 4

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(Mark)- "Good morning.... "

Mark looked confusedly at Liam, who was watching him sitting on the bed next to him.

(Liam)- "You sure were tired. You ended up sleeping almost thirteen hours."

(Mark)- "Please tell me you haven't been looking at me all that time."

He sat up and looked around the room. It was a large room with two rows of seven beds. The windows were closed with the curtains drawn, but a few rays of light still filtered in.

(Liam)- "No, easy. I got here half an hour ago and was meditating when I saw you wake up."

(Mark)- "Do you meditate in bed? Aren't you supposed to stand on rocks, under trees or floating on water?"

(Liam)- "The rocks and the field are for meditation in search of enlightenment, not for relaxing or whiling the time away. And the water thing... "

(Mark)- "A training to control the flow of Energy, I know, it was a joke."

Liam rolled his eyes and stood up.

(Liam)- "We'll be eating in a little while, get ready."

He left the room, leaving Mark alone. He got out of bed and walked over to some closets he saw on the opposite side of the exit. They were soft-touch wood with simple carvings on the doors. Good quality, but nowhere near the level of the work his mother did. She opened the first closet to find some uniforms. The predominant dark blue color with coppery linear detailing on the shoulders and collar of a grayish hue. The recruit crest on the right side of the chest showed the black claw of a dragon on a green background. He touched the emblem before picking up one of the uniforms and changing.

(Mark)- 'I have to send a letter home to tell them that I passed the test'.

He left the room to find himself in a wide hallway with huge windows overlooking an interior garden. Several students were collecting and putting away gardening tools.

Liam entered through a door at the end of the hallway after waving to Mark, who followed after a few moments. He whistled in surprise. Three huge chandeliers hung the length of the dining room. Wooden tables with carved details on the edges stretched from one end of the room to the other. Students from different grades were sitting as they chatted or laughed. Sonia gestured for Mark to sit with her and Yagi.

(Mark)- "Good morning."

(Sonia)- "You had a hard time waking up, huh?"

(Mark)- "A little bit, you left me in drag."

Mark shook her hand, to which Sonia responded effusively, before sitting down. Several people pushing tables with food entered through a side door.

(Mark)- "And Liam?"

(Yagi)- "He just left over there." She pointed to a door near the kitchen door. "I think he was going to catch his own food."

(Mark)- "Is that allowed?"

(Allan)- "Some instructors even recommend it."

Allan and Meryth sat to Mark's right.

(Meryth)- "It comes in handy to know how to fish and hunt in addition to identifying and collecting plants for when it's our turn to survive in training or on the battlefield."

Mark nodded and mentally signed up to learn those skills when he could.

Liam returned after ten minutes with two fish in his hand and went into the kitchen to the surprised gaze of students and instructors. Shortly after he came out with the cooked fish and sat down at a table alone.

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