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No one's pov

"Cover that shit up." Chan threw changbin a concealer stick.

"You created that shit, dick." changbin scoffed and turned to the mirror behind him, covering the visible marks on his neck.

"Well I'm not the one still talking to their girlfriend and having me as their little fling." Chan covered his face with his phone.

"I told you that your not a fling! I- I just need some time to think. " he massaged the makeup into his skin, slowly seeing the purple color on his neck disappear.

Chan blinked away his tears that were about to fall. "T.. Then I'll give you time! Just don't use her please, do whatever the fuck you want to do.." Chan left the room quickly.

Changbin sighed softly before sitting on his bed.


Hyunjin's pov

I walked to the cafeteria with jeongin and han. (Jeongin stopped by to eat lunch with them)

"Where should we sit guys?" I asked.

Jeongin smile shyly. "Uhh.. Well I think we should eat at our usual place, can I invite someone to sit with us?" he asked.

We both nodded. "Of course innie! Who are you inviting? A girl!!?" han perked up.

Jeongin looked for a second before lighting up. A slim figure walked over to jeongin, holding a camera??

I backed away. "Fuck no.. Jeongin why the hell is Seungmin standing next to you?" I said disgusted.

Seungmin faked a smile and snapped a picture of me in a matter of seconds. "Am I not allowed here? I thought you said I.N could invite someone to you little secret hideout."

I sighed and looked at han for assistance. "I thought it was gonna be a hot girl!" han put his hand up.

"Whatever. Drop the camera or you can't come." I pointed to his pride possession.

He cockily pouted and took his camera off. "Fine~"


"So Seungmin.. Why have you been taking pictures of hyunjinnie?" jeongin asked, placing his head in his hand.

He glanced at me for a second. "I don't know.. He seems very interesting to me.. I want to capture every movement he does. " he smiled at jeongin, who got really silent and backed away from Seungmin little by little.

"That little bitch" I looked around frantically. Where did that voice come from??

I laughed nervously and rubbed my nape. "I mean, thanks?? But I don't really appreciate you taking pictures of me without my permission. We could do like photoshoots or whatever, but please stop taking pictures of me without my consent. " I said politely.

Seungmin nodded and looked back at jeongin and han.

I looked around. Who said that??

"Hey baby.". I felt a weight on my shoulder, I looked in that direction but saw no one. Felix??

I wanted to talk. But jeongin, seungmin, and han were right there! I'd look like a complete freak if I started talking to the air.

"Don't even try talking. I'm just stopping by to see how your doing.. I'm going to leave now, meet me tomorrow after school ok honey?".

I blushed and looked in my lap. I felt the weight off my shoulder and glanced back at the boys. Thankfully they were still deep in their conversation.

More of a filler butttt chan and changbin😏😏

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