Chapter 6

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When I wake up again, I am in an unfamiliar room. There was black bookshelves along the walls. The sheets were black and white. The floor was a beautiful brown tile floor with a rug on it. Then there was a computer and chair with a desk. And finally there was a white couch with lots books on it.

"Have a good nap?" I hear next to me. I look over and see Jasper. "Yeah." I say to him. "Is this your room at your house?" He nods. I look at the time and see it is 4 pm. "Blake?" I ask worried. "He's in the living room with my family and Bella." I nod and get up. "Where's your bathroom?" I ask him. He points to a door.

Then there was a door next to it. I walk in the other door and find a black sweatshirt. I then walk out to see Jasper smirking at me. I glare at him. "I'm using your stuff." I told him walking in the bathroom and shutting the door.

I look around and see a huge bathroom. It was also black and white. "Damn." There was a knock on the door. "Yes Jasper?" "May I join?" He asks and I could still see the smirk. I walk over and think. Then I open the door and he looks at me surprised. It was my turn to smirk this time.

"If you want. But nothing's gonna happen." He was still looking surprised. "When did you become bold?" He asks walking in and shutting the door. "You said to me once, that you wanted to see the old Elina. Here I am." I say as I slowly take of my shirt. He looks down at me and takes a deep breath.

"Wanna join, or do you stand there and stare?" I ask him. I go over to the shower and set it up. Then I turn around and see him still staring. I smirk and go over to the sink and take off all my makeup. I then take off my bra. His eyes are now glued to my chest.

I go over to him and take off his shirt. "C'mon Jasper. Show me what you got under there, then I'll decide." I whisper in his ear. I slowly take off my pants. Then I take off my underwear. He was still glued to his spot. His eyes meet mine and I take out my hair and shake my head so it frames my face. I then spin around and get in the shower.

Once my hair was wet I got pushed up against the wall. I look and see Jasper, he growled at me in a sexy voice. I smirk. "Decided to join me?" I ask him he smirks at me. He leans in and kisses me roughly. He presses his chest against me. Then he pulls back laughing. "What?" I ask, "They are taking Blake and Bella out of the house." I laugh. Then he kisses me again. "Jasper I don't want to have sex yet. I'm sorry." I say to him.

"We don't have to. Just let me kiss you for now." I nod and he goes back to kissing me. I didn't know how long we were making out. But soon the water was freezing. "Ok no more my lips hurt and plus the water is freezing." He chuckles and turns the water warmer. We then begin to wash ourselves and out hair. Then we were drying off.

"Thank your for understanding Jasper." I say to him. He comes over and pecks my lips. "Anytime Darlin." I hug him tightly and he hugs me back just as tight. Then I dress in my undergarments. Then I put on his hoodie. It went to my mid thigh and the sleeves were a little long.

I picked up my other clothes and put them on Jasper's bed once I folded them. He grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. "What time is it?" I ask "7 pm." Jasper answers. "I'm gonna call my dad. Can we stay here tonight?" I ask him he nods. I take out my phone and called his number.

Hey dad. Me and Blake are eating at the Cullen's place.

Ok Hun, do you know about your sister?

Wait never mind she just walked in. Love you.

Love you too.

I hung up and stuck my phone in the pocket of the hoodie. "You got food?" I ask Jasper sitting next to him. "Yeah what do you want?" He asks. "Do you got cookies?" "Yeah Esme made her homemade chocolate chip ones." "Can I have some with a glass of milk?" "Sure I'll be back." He gets up and walks away.

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