Chapter 7

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We soon go to the ballet studio. We bob ran in and looked around. "MOM!!" Me and Bella yelled. "Bella! Elina!" We heard. We ran towards the door, but once we get there and open the door we see a rape of when we were younger playing. "Why are you both under here?" Young Rene asks.

"Mom I suck." Bella said, "And I don't wanna do it alone." I say, "You do not suck! And your not alone Elina, not ever." Then there was evil laughter behind us. We spun around and see James smirking. "That's my favorite part." He says. He had a camera in his right hand, while his left was bare.

"It's so easy to manipulate humans it's funny." "It's a trap." Bella says I look at her. "No duh Bella." She looks at me and I look at James. "Yes Bella, yes it is. I took this little camera from your house, hope you don't mind." He says, "Now I want to record your last breath and send it to your mates, so if it all goes to plan, don't worry, it'll be a long and painful death." He says to us, while walking slowly towards us.

"You both smell so mouthwatering." He was sniffing both of us then he sniffed me again. I heard him groan near my ear. "God you smell better then your sister." James looks at Bella, *No offence." Bella looks at me and shrugs. "But there was this one girl, years and years ago. I was quiet surprised when I saw her there. The short Black haired one." He says, "Alice." Me and Bella said.

He nods humming. "I should now get on with this, shouldn't I?" He asks smirking. I look at Bella. Then next thing I know Bella sprayed the pepper spray in his eyes and I stabbed the pocket knife into his neck. Me and Bella were holding hands while we ran, then he was in front of us.

He looked pissed off. He threw Bella to his left, and I to his right." I heard Bella scream as she hit mirrors. I hit one too and it shattered. I yelled as I felt blood soak the floor around me. I didn't know where I was cut but I was. Then James was next to me. "Tell him! Tell him it's his fault!" James yelled in my face. "NO!" I yelled back, he then slapped me. "TELL HIM!!" he screamed. Then he was knocked away.

I look and saw Jasper. Then I saw Edward, he ran over to them and pushed James against the mirror. I got up and ran slowly to Bella as best as I could. When I got to her she looked at me. "Elina, your side." She said I looked down and there was a piece of glass in my side.

Then I saw James he quickly big my right wrist. I screamed as I felt a burning sensation. He smirked and went to bite Bella, but I jumped in front of her. I felt his teeth sink into my right side the opposite of where the glass was on my other side. At first I felt him suck my blood but then he pushed venom into my blood. But he got pulled off. I fell, as Bella screamed for me.

I barely saw Jasper yell and growl, but it wasn't Jasper. It was Major. Edward held James down and Major started to rip off his hands. Then I saw more people jump into the studio. Next thing I knew Alice was next to me. "Oh God! Carlisle!!" Alice said, Carlisle came running over. He immediately.pressed against my side with the glass. I screamed but then it stopped as something cam riding up my throat.

I was gasping, Alice sat me up and I spit something out. It was blood. Bella moved and Alice laid my head on Bella's lap. Then I saw Jasper running over. Jasper crouched next to Carlisle. "Jasper you need to suck the venom out." Carlisle said, "I can't. I can't." He says, "Yes you can, someone will have to do her side as well. If not she dies." Carlisle said.

Everything seemed foggy. I still felt the pain but I was to tired to scream. Next thing I knew. Emmett, Janice, Edward and Rose came running over. "Carlisle I can press on the glass wound, if any of us do it then we will loose control. You have to do it because you won't suck out the blood as much as any of us would." Janice said.

"Please make it stop." I gasp. Bella's face moved into my view of the ceiling and the heads of my new family. "Ok." I heard Carlisle said. He pulled up my shirt and moved. I felt cold hands grasp my wrist. I looked and saw Jasper. Then I felt their teeth sink into my skin. I screamed as loud as I have ever, in my life screamed.

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