>>>>>-Chapter two-<<<<<

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"Maya hurry up, we're running late!" My dad yelled from down stairs.

Why does my family always want to be on time, it's not cool at all.

"Pa we are going to the park not a job interview." I replied as I made my way down stairs.

We had breakfast and all that good morning talk that happy families have and now we're headed to the park.

"Ma could you pull down the windows, it's too hot in here." I requested.

"No! I don't like the wind bowing on my face." Trixie yelled.

She always feels the need to talk.

"First of all, its blowing not bowing and who do you think you are to say no to what I ask for." I teased earning a stop it now look from my mother.

"Mama, Mayaya is being mean again." Trixie shouted earning mom and dad's attention.

Why does she have to yell all the freaking time, it's not that hard to speak like a normal person.

"First of all, my name is Maya not Mayaya and how am I being mean, aren't I your only friend." I couldn't help but laugh.

"You are not my only friend; I have many other friends." She said with a little bit of sass in her voice.

"Name one friend that you have that's not dad, mom or me." I really need to know which friends she is talking about.

"Okay I have grand mama, uncle Mikey, aunt Coco and Mali." She said as she flipped her curls to the other side.

"I said friends not family." I replied tickling her tummy.

Her giggles filled the car which led to all of us laughing, until we made it to the park.

"Do you smell that?" Dad asked as he pulled up in the parking lot

"Smell what?" I asked.

"That's the smell of clean grass." He finally answered after being silent for a short while.

I don't think park grass is really clean, lots of people sit and walk on it. Who knows if they don't even fart on it.

"I thought you were talking about food." Mother jokingly added.

"Why would you think that am talking about food, you can't smell anything but clean fresh grass filled with lovely families." Dad replied before he got out of the car and opened the doors for everyone.

I don't mind opening the door myself but it makes me feel like a queen when he does it.

"I need a better family; you all are more that crazy people." Mom said before walking away with Trixie.

Turns out the park was a bad idea; all we did was sun bath as we watched Trixie talk to random people.

I need my best friend here with me.

"Maya please go watch your sister she has gone too far." Mom said taking her sun glasses from her bag.

"Yall just want some privacy." I teased before running off to find that stubborn sister of mine.

Where could this girl have gone to, I have been looking for five minutes not that I even checked the time.

"Trixie!" I kept yelling for what felt like hours until I found her pinching someone's child

Before I could go to the rescue and separate them like a normal adult that I am, a guy dressed in a black suit beat me to it.

Before I save my sister, I have something to say, who the fudge wears an expensive looking suit to a public park, okay now I go save my sister.

"Hey! How dare you touch my sister." I got even angrier as soon as I saw who it was, it's that fool Adrian Del Luca. Him and his stupid family members act as if this whole town belongs to them.

"You!" I exclaimed

"You know me?" He asked, now he is acting as if his face is not on half of the billboards in this town.

"Know you, who doesn't know you, who doesn't know your ugly family, who doesn't know you mean people all you do is make people's life hell. You take and use our properties without our consent, you throw people out of their homes so you could build another unnecessary tall building, you."

"I think you have it all wrong young lady." He interrupted me, what gives him the right this idiot! 

"Please save you rich talk for your rich friends, why did you touch my sister." I almost flipped scratch that I think I already flipped.

"Calm down you're causing a scene for no reason; all I did was pull them apart." He said but before I could reply Trixie jumped in.

"Mayaya we were just playing." Trixie said earning an approval node from the kid she pinched a few minutes ago.

"What! How dare you play with white people." I said earning a scoff from that idiot that calls himself Adrian.

"You do know that your white right?" He said as he picked up his brother, am not sure but they do look alike.

"Shut up, fool!" I said before picking up Trixie.

"You're really having bad period mood swings." He teased earning an eye role from me.

"Hahaha that's cute, you know." I said before almost walking away only to be stopped by what that idiot said.

"Hey miss Karen you dropped your sister's bracelet." How dare he call me Karen; do I look like a white racist woman with mummy issues.

"I knew I dropped it and my name is Maya not Karen." I said before walking away.

"Bye Trixie!" The young boy yelled.

"Bye Luis! Trixie yelled back.

So, he is the three-year-old Luis that doesn't appear much in front of the media.

"Where were you two, you had us worried sick." My mother said as she rushed towards us.

"Ma don't worry we were by the lake, calm down." I spoke as I took a sit next to dad.

I can't wait to leave this park. 

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