Chapter 1 ~ No Good in Goodbye

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"You ready to go?" Dad says to me as he starts the car. I'm leaving Phoenix and moving to Los Angeles to live with my cousins.
"As ready as I'll ever be," I smile weakly and put my seatbelt on. Basically, the reason I'm leaving is because my mom passed away last month, and my dad can't handle being alone so he's sending me to live with other family members until he's over her death.
Honestly, I don't mind that I'm moving away. I haven't seen my cousins in so long, and dad said that I will be with them for a couple months.
Dad starts to drive away and we turn out of our neighborhood; I really didn't mind leaving now.
By the time we reach the freeway, dad is too busy concentrating to talk so I put on my headphones and start listening to Voodoo Doll by 5sos.
Just six and a half hours of being stuck in a tiny car to go.
"Carsen?" I hear dad say quietly, "Carsen, wake up," the car is parked and I slowly open my eyes.
I take out my headphones and look around. We're in the middle of what seems like nowhere when dad opens the door to get out, "I'm just getting some gas and a snack. We're almost there, only 50 minutes left. Feel free to get out and look around."
He closes the door behind him and then walks into the little store. Carefully, I step outside and stretch my legs out. I walk into a small meadow next to the gas station and admire the Los Angeles view. It's a lot like Arizona, except a little warmer.
"Carsen!" Dad rolls down the car window and yells, "I got you a snack."
I jog back to the car and get into the pasenger's seat, "Thanks," I take the sandwich from him and eat it as he drives on again. The closer we get to their house, the more nervous I become. I haven't seen them in years, what if they're different?

The time passes by too quickly, and we arrive at my cousins' house.
"I'll get your bags. You knock on the door," Dad instructs. I nod and shyly make my way to the door and knock three times.
My uncle Victor opens the door and pulls me into a hug, "Carsen! Look how much you've grown! Come on inside, Cameron and Maya can't wait to see you."
I guide myself into the kitchen to see my aunt Libby and my cousins sitting at the dining table.
They all run over to me and tightly squeeze me, Cameron steps back and waits, "Carsen!!"
I chat with them for a while and then they sit back down. Cameron puts his arms out and I hug him tighter than anyone else, "Long time no see, Hollywood," I say to him, "How's the acting going?"
"It's going good," He grins as we do our old handshake from when we were kids, "How 'bout you? Did you have a job? I know how much you struggled, giving up every few days."
I playfully punch his shoulder, "Actually," I place my hands on my hips, "I helped out at the local pre-school before I came here. For 5 months, too."
"Good work, you finally kept a job," He smirks, "Go say bye to your dad. I'll be in the kitchen."
I nod and walk over to the front door. My dad and uncle are talking about my mom.
"You take care, Kevin," Uncle Victor says to my dad, patting him on the shoulder.
Dad smiles, "I'll be fine. Just take care of Carsen. She's all ready to go to Cameron's school, and she's in his grade."
"I'll be alright, dad. Cam will show me the ropes," I say, walking over to hug him for the last time.
He chuckles, "Okay, sweetie. Be good, I love you," He starts to walk back to his car.
Uncle Victor hands Cameron and Maya my suitcases and they take them up to my room, "Bye dad, I love you too!"
And with that, he's on his way back to Arizona.
My aunt leads me into the kitchen and gestures for me to sit at the table, "Come get something to eat, Carsen. We've got a lot of catching up to do."

"I've missed you, Y'know." Cameron says as he leans against the doorframe of my room.
I put down my phone and walk over to him, "I've missed you too."
"I'm sorry about your mom. New beginning here, right?" He adds.
"Yeah. Just, please, don't talk too much about her. It's still fresh in my mind." I smile weakly and he nods.
"Alright, I won't. You get some sleep, Carsen. You've had a long journey and we have school tomorrow." He gives me a quick hug and then returns to his room.
I lie down on my bed and ignore the spam of texts I receive from my pushy 'friend' from Phoenix. I can't help but worry about my dad and I wonder if he'll be able to live alone.
He just doesn't want the same thing to happen to me, that's all, I'm sure.

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