Chapter 8

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Savanna's POV:

I nervously walked up the sidewalk to my old house. To be honest, I'm not ready to walk into this house again. It was here, 5 years ago where I fought with Ruby, it was on this doorstep where Hunter started crying because I was leaving him again. I had no idea what the reaction of my family was going to be. I brought my hand up to the door and knocked a couple times. I heard footsteps running towards the door and I braced myself. The door swung open and Hunter stood before me.

"Isabella..?" Hunter said with uncertainty in his voice. I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I've missed you so much little bro." I hugged the life out of Hunter, never wanting to let go. "Where's mum and dad?"

"You just missed them. They went to a social." Hunter let go of me and held the door open. "They should only be a few hours."

"Ok." I stepped through the doorway and looked around. Nothing had changed, except a lamp or two. "I actually need to go to an appointment in about 45 minutes. Does mum and dad still have the extra car?"

"Oh uhm, yeah they do. The keys are on the counter. Can I come? It's boring here." Hunter walked into the kitchen and I followed.

"Oh, uhm... I guess. But I need to talk to you first." I sat down at the dining room table and pulled out a chair for Hunter. He crossed the room with the keys swinging from his fingers, and sat down in the chair.

"What's up?" Hunter played with the keys and I took a deep breath.

"Part of the reason I came back, was because... I might have cancer again." I said the last part quietly, almost hoping he didn't hear me. Hunter released his grip of the keys and they toppled to the ground.

"You... What?" Hunter frowned and looked into my eyes.

"Please don't tell mum and dad yet. I want to tell them when I'm sure of it-" I rambled off, tears pricking my eyes.

"Then what? If the tests come back negative, you'll leave like nothing happened?! I can't let you leave this family again! Not like Ruby!" Hunter yelled, then burst into tears. He buried his head in his hands and I broke into a sob.

"I won't leave, I won't. And I'm not going to say I promise because that will make you even more upset. As long as you love me and support me, I'll still be here." I placed my hands on Hunter's shoulders and he stood up, pulling me up with him and into a hug.

"You'll always be my little brother, no matter what." I whispered into his ear and he nodded. I never realized it until now... I'm slowly breaking this family up every time I come home.


I laid on one of the couches in the hospital hallways with my feet on Hunter's lap. It's been an hour, and the doctor's said because of my case that the scan results was one of his top priorities. Hunter was busy on his phone, texting someone I'm guessing. And I was occupying myself by counting the tiles on the ceiling.

"Hey sis?" Hunter looked over at me and balanced his phone on my ankles.

"Yeah?" I replied, and focused my gaze on Hunter.

"Would you approve of me dating someone?" Hunter asked me and I smiled.

"If she makes you happy then of course I approve. Do you have a picture?" I asked, pulling myself into a sitting position so I was sitting criss-cross. Hunter nodded and grabbed his phone from where it fell onto his lap. He unlocked it and searched through photos for a moment before giving me the phone.

"Her name is Annalise, I've known her since grade 3. We've become really close and there's kind of a story behind on why we became friends." Hunter said and I grasped the phone in my hand. The girl on the screen was beautiful, her hair was light brown and flowed down past her bum. In the picture she wore a sun dress and had no make up on whatsoever.

"She's beautiful Hunter." I passed the phone back and smiled. "What's the story?"

"We partnered up in Grade 3 for a project and everyone was making fun of her, saying she was stupid and that she would get the worst mark. The only reason they said that was because she has ADHD and Dyslexia. I told her that they were just stupid and jealous. We ended up getting the highest mark in the class. Ever since then, we've been in the same class and have partnered up for every project together." Hunter smiled and stared at the photo.

"That's adorable-" I started to say but Hunter's ringtone cut me off. He pressed answer and held the phone to his ear.

Hunter's POV:

Annalise's caller ID popped up on my phone and I quickly pressed answer.

{phone call started}

H -- Hey Anna
A -- Hi Hunter, what're you doing?
H -- I'm with my sister right now, what about you?
A -- I'm watching TV, waiting for my mom to finish making dinner. Wait, which sister?
H -- Isabella, she came home yesterday.
A -- That's awesome! Will I get to meet her this time?
H -- Of course, I think she wants to meet you too. I'll call you back later ok?
A -- Ok, don't forget.
H -- Ok. Bye Anna.
A -- Bye Hunter.

{phone call ended}

I slid my phone into my sweater pocket and glanced at Isabella. She had a huge smile on her face and I felt my cheeks get hotter. Damn, I was blushing.

"Savanna Ainsley?" The doctor called out and we both sat up straighter. The doctor approached us and I grabbed my sister's hand.

"Miss Ainsley, I'm sorry to tell you this but the tests came back positive. Now, we have two options but I would suggest immediate surgery. To remove the largest tumour." The doctor said to us. I looked over at Isabella, and I swear I saw her heart shatter in a million pieces. Her shoulders drooped and her grip loosened on my hand.

"Hunter, call mum and dad. Tell them I'm going for surgery." Isabella said hoarsely and I fumbled to grab my phone. I nodded and stood up, walking a bit down the hallway.

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