Chapter 9

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Perrie's POV:

I took a sip of my champagne and nodded my head to whatever was being said in the conversation around me. Zayn chuckled from beside me and pulled me aside.

"Babe, they asked if you were zoned out again." Zayn rubbed my arm and I frowned.

"Sorry-" I said, reaching into my purse as my phone began ringing. I checked the caller id and saw Hunter was calling. I pressed talk and held the phone to my ear.

"Mum, you need to come to the hospital. Isabella is going for immediate surgery. She has cancer again." Hunter said in a rushed voice and I dropped my phone.

"Perrie, what's wrong?" Zayn asked me, scooping my phone off the floor. I grabbed my phone from his hand and held it to my ear again.

"We'll be there in 30." I hung up the phone and pulled Zayn towards the exit of the hotel party room.


I paced back and forth, Isabella's phone in my hand. I knew this feeling all too well, and I certainly wasn't prepared for this. For most of the part, it was easy to keep this to ourselves. But the paparazzi are hard to ignore, they caught us walking into the hospital. Not even because of us, because Isabella is here. Some people couldn't be ignored, like her family in Canada. They said they were catching the first plane out here.

"Where is she?" I looked up as I heard Ruby walk into the room. Her appearance has changed so much since she left home. Her hair was a brown/blonde ombré, she had gained some weight since I last saw her, and in her arms was her adoptive daughter Kara.

"She hasn't come out of surgery yet." I said, slipping the phone into my pocket and stepping forward.

"Okay." Ruby shifted the small girl in her arms and set the diaper bag on the closest bench. "Kara look it's gramma."

"Gaga." Kara held her arms out to me and I smiled, taking her in my arms.

Ruby's POV:

I handed my daughter to mom and unzipped the diaper bag, grabbing my phone from its pocket on the side.

"I'm going to get a coffee, do you want one?" I asked mom and she glanced at me, nodding. I felt in my pocket for my money and curled my fingers around it as I walked down the hospital hallway. I made it to the coffee shop on the main floor, my hands still tightly gripping my money. My phone vibrated and I ignored it as I walked up to the counter.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" A man with dark brown hair greeted me, smiling. I ordered the drinks with a slight smile on my face.

"Is that all for you today?" The guy asked me and I pondered, then shook my head.

"Could I get a regular glaze donut?" I asked, my mind wandering to Kara who absolutely loved donuts. He nodded and I placed my money on the counter. My phone buzzed again, then several more times and I pulled it out of my pocket.

She's out of surgery -Mom

She's in the recovery room, 3rd floor, 2nd corridor, you'll find it. -Mom

Kara is with me. -Mom

I slid my phone back into my pocket and a frown replaced my smile.

"Are you okay?" The man asked me and I blinked away the forming tears.

"Yeah, it's just my sister. She came out of surgery." I explained, tapping my fingers on the countertop.

"I give my best wishes." The man handed me the coffees and donut, then the change.

"Thank you." I replied, slipping the change back into my pocket.

"This may be the wrong time, but would you like to go for coffee sometime?" The man pulled the receipt from the machine and scribbled something on the back with a pen from his apron. I let a look of shock cross my face, I wasn't expecting that.

"O-Oh, yeah for sure. I'm Ruby by the way." I held my hand out and he grasped my hand lightly.

"I'm Deion." He replied, and I couldn't help but examine his features. His eyes were a dark brown, the same as his hair. His jawline was visible, and a slight bit of stubble took home on his chin. He was attractive, I have to admit. A women coughed from behind us and I pulled my hand out of his. I grabbed the coffees, donut and receipt, turning on my heel. I quickly glanced back and he flashed me a smile, to which I returned. I tucked the receipt with his number into my pocket and balanced the two coffees in my hands, the donut in one. I made my way up to the 3rd floor, looking around for the recovery room. After a few minutes of walking, I finally found it. Mom was seated in the lobby area just outside of it, with Kara playing on the floor.

"Hey." I greeted my mom, handing her one of the coffees, to which she thanked me. I set my coffee down on one of the tables and pulled the donut out of the paper bag. "Kara, look what I've got." I bent down onto my knees and held the donut out to Kara who giggled gleefully and reached for the donut. I handed her the donut, reaching for her soother and placing it in my pocket. I ruffled her short brown hair and stood up, dusting off my pants.

"When did she get here?" I asked mum, who was scrolling through her Instagram feed.

"Today." Mum said, locking her phone.

"Oh." I replied, glancing at Kara.

Joshua's POV:

I glanced at my mum and Autumn nervously. May was beside me, hand clasping mine. I was going to tell them, and I had no idea what was going to happen.

"So what's going on? Why do you look like you killed someone?" Autumn crossed her arms and shook her head, her ponytail bouncing side to side. I glanced at May, who offered me a smile.

"We're eloping-" I began to announce, but Autumn cut me off.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." Autumn muttered, over and over again. "Not again."

"What's wrong?" My mum asked, looking alarmed. Autumn passed the phone to my mum and she glanced at the screen for a moment before handing it back. "Grab your coat, I'll drive. Josh, get your keys, we're going to the hospital."

"Can someone tell me what's going on? Did Autumn go into labor?" I asked as they began rushing to the closet.

"No dumbass, you think I'd type something if that happened? Isabella just had surgery to remove a tumour in her brain." Autumn slid on her coat, not bothering to button it up. I dropped my grip from May's hand, chills ran up my spine.


Hey, sorry i haven't updated in awhile... i just moved last week, and have been packing up my old house for the past 3-4 weeks. I have been working on my stories during that time, slowly but surely. and I won't have wifi until next Wednesday or Thursday.

please give me ideas on the next few chapters.. it will make the writing process faster for me, which will mean more chapters for you guys!

thanks so much for being patient!


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