Chapter 3 ~ Hanging Out

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(Your POV:)

Today was Friday and you sat in class staring at the clock waiting for school to be over even though there was still at least an hour left until school finished, you looked around occasionally and sometimes felt the need to throw something at someone, just for a little bit of entertainment while the teacher blabbered on about something you couldn't understand. You glanced over at Trip who was chatting with Aoba, who didn't seem very amused with their conversation. In your opinion, being in Aoba's position was a lot better than sitting next to Sir Stink-a-Lot that never shuts up and is just annoying in general, turning your head to him and grimacing.

You sigh and stare blankly at the teacher who was still blabbering on about some sort of physics or something to do with science. You begin to think that he's just saying big words that no one understands to act like he's teaching. Ugh. I guess anything goes as long as you get paid, huh.

You start to think about the day you've had so far a frown creeping onto your face. You haven't really had the best of days, only this morning did a couple girls just randomly start yelling insults at you for no reason and later on you kept being picked on by the teachers. It sucked. Oh well. Breathing a sigh you shake the thoughts out of your head and look over at Aoba and Trip.

Being bored out of your mind and not wanting to think anymore, you decided to sneak over to them while the teacher wasn't looking. You sat next to trip (He sat alone) sliding on the seat and leant on the desk, "Hi guys!" You greeted, grinning at them.

"Yo, (F/N)!" Trip replied, "You're being pretty bad don't you think, getting out of your seat and chatting, what will the teacher think?"He teased, I laughed.

"Shut up!" I retort, punching his arm playfully. Aoba said nothing but smiled at me then quickly turned away from us, probably to somewhat avoid Trip.

Trip nudged the back of Aoba's chair, Aoba giving a deathly look of irritation which I try to not laugh at. Trip smiled at you then continued to annoy Aoba. For the rest of the lesson you decided to get your phone out and play a game, keeping it under the table so the teacher doesn't see it, Trip peeking over your shoulder to watch every now and then.

The bell for the end of school soon rang and the class quickly dispersed, you walked out the classroom and began making your way to your locker to get your stuff out. While getting your stuff out of your locker, Virus came up behind you and poked both of your sides, making you jump and give out a high pitched yelp. You turned to him as he laughed.

"That was actually really cute." He laughed, your face going bright red with embarrassment and slight shyness.

"It was not cute, or funny!" You snapped, then swung your hand at his stomach to be blocked by his own.

He let his last few laughs die down before speaking again, "Ok, I'm sorry, you were just so vulnerable I had to." He said, poking your cheek gently and smirking at you. The fact he bluntly stated that you were vulnerable made you feel slightly uneasy and sent a small shiver down your spine.

Shaking off your previous train of thought, you huff lightly then turn back to your locker "Well, what do you want?" You question, taking out the rest of your things then closing your locker.

Virus shrugged lightly, "Just wondered if you wanted to hang out at my place sometime." He offered.

You turned to him and nodded, "Sure, why not," you replied, "Tomorrow?" You suggested, swinging your bag over your shoulder.

Trip smiled and nodded, "See ya tomorrow then, bye." He said then swiftly disappeared into the crowd of students.


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