Chapter 2 ~ Getting Along.

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(Your POV:)

Since you were introduced to Trip's friend, Virus, you had been meeting up in the cafeteria almost everyday. The three of you seemed to get along pretty well but Trip did most of the talking.
Today Trip called up and told you that he couldn't make it to school so, as much as you hated it, you had to get a bus. 

You stood at the bus stop with your umbrella that really wasn't doing anything good for you as you waited for the bus, getting completely soaked. When the bus finally arrived, being about 10 minutes late, you got on, paid then stood and held onto one of the slightly sticky bars since all the seats on the bus were damp and you really didn't want to know why. You looked around the bus seeing all sorts of graffiti and chewed gum literally everywhere, even on the roof of the bus, how the gum got there was a complete mystery to you. 

On one of the stops you saw someone with familiar blonde hair at the bus stop, you couldn't see who it was very well since you were too far away and people obscured your line of sight. As they got on the bus you saw that it was Virus, you gave a small, and (very) awkward wave to him to get his attention. He saw you and smiled a little as he walked up and stood next to you, "Hey, I didn't know you got on this bus," He said as the bus began moving.

"I don't," You replied, "Trip usually picks me up." 

"I'm guessing he's not going to school today." He said, you nodded and let out a calm sigh. The two of you didn't say much after that, just small chatter every now and then.


The two of you walked into school together and did what usually you and Trip would do and said goodbye to each other before going separate ways as the bell rang for lessons to start.


After lessons you sat in the cafeteria again and played games on your phone, you assumed that since Trip wasn't here you wouldn't be meeting up so you sat in silence with your head down and gaming.

After a while you felt a presence beside you and turned to see Virus standing next to you, "Hey," you greeted, putting your phone down on the table. 

Virus smiled slightly, "Hey, mind if I sit with you?" He asked, you nodded and Virus sat on the seat next to you.

"Did you get bored?" You asked, grabbing your phone and sliding it in your pocket.

"Yeah, nothing really to do and I got bored of following Aoba," he mumbled.

"That's a bit stalker-ish don't you think," you laughed, Virus glared at you slightly before laughing along with you. "Why stalk Aoba?" You questioned.

"Me and Trip just find it fun," replied Virus simply. You laughed again, Virus smiling at you. There was a short moment of silence, where the two of you kind of expected Trip to speak up but remembered he wasn't here.

"How did you and Trip meet?" You asked, putting your elbow in the table and your head in your hand.

Virus thought a little bit, "I don't really know, he just started following me around and began dressing like me, even dying his hair blonde." He replied. 

You tilted your head slightly, "Oh," you said, "What colour was his hair?" You asked.

"Red." He answered.

You looked at Virus with wide eyes, "Really?" You asked, not being able to imagine Trip with red hair. Virus nodded with a laugh. "I can't imagine him with red hair," you said, laughing a little.

"Ask him," suggested Virus as the bell went for lessons again. Both of you saying your goodbyes as you went your separate ways.


After lessons you and Virus went home together and chat a little on the bus, saying goodbye as you go off at your stop. As you walked in your house you went into your living room and put your bag on the table and got your homework out then started doing it. Halfway through doing your homework your phone ran, you quickly picked it up and answered, "Hello?" 

"Hey, (F/N)" said Trip's voice happily.

"Oh, hi." You greeted.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"What?" You asked, a bit confused to what he was talking about. 

"You and Virus, how did it go?" He repeated.

"You weren't sick were you." You said. You heard Trip laugh at the other end of the phone, making you sigh, "You missed school on purpose." You whined.

"Yup." he replied.

"I hate you." You said.

"Bye-bye (F/N)." He laughed, then hung up.


Sorry it took so long and I hope it makes sense, please tell me if it doesn't x.x

Let me know if I made any mistakes please.

Thank you :3

Now, have fun waiting for Chapter 3, I know I'm going to forget or procrastinate... Or both. Ugh.

I shall attempt to do something.

Okie bye~

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