Jutsice league wife - your kids show you their superhero life 1

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Your sons were starting to make them into hero's but there were some issues you were having with the whole sons becoming hero topic. It soon came to a point where your sons wanted to show you their superhero abilities and suits as well, which you are in for and you were enjoying it all.


Y/n " okay ready for the show" you were sitting in a chair in the bat cave with alfred because bruce and dick had something to show you guys.

Alfred " I can't wait to see what they come up with"

Y/n " me too and they been down here for days"

Bruce " let me introduce the boy wonder" dick soon walked up wearing a suite you thought was so cute on him.

Y/n" aww you look adorable"

Dick " mom I can't look adorable I have to strike fear in criminals"

Alfred " it makes your look handsome young master"

Dick " thank you Alfred and mom"

Y/n " so what you superhero name"

Bruce " well he going to be called robin or the boy wonder"

Y/n " oh I thought he was going to be call bat boy"

Bruce " he has to earn the title of the bat before he takes it"

Y/n " here comes back my worry"


You are sitting in the living room on the couch waiting for your husband and Conner of get done with the project, they been wishing to show you for the past few weeks.

Y/n " okay ready to see what you two came up with" Clark soon came walking into the room with a smile on his face.

Clark " well I hope you are ready to meet the new superhero of our city and the world"

Y/n " oh"

Clark " let the world meet super boy" Conner soon flew into the living room and landed he was wearing a mini version of Clark super suit.

Y/n " aww that so adorable"

Conner " mom "

Y/n " what you are a mini versions of your father"

Clark " it took us a while to get the right materials for the suit"

Y/n " so you are super boy now"

Conner " yes"

Y/n " well I think it amazing kiddo"

Justice league one shot (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now