Prologue: Right In Front of My Potential Boyfriend?

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Jon looked to his left, wind blowing through his hair as he looked at his friend Kathy who was driving down a familiar road singing some song at the top of her lungs.

It's the same thing everyday, get up, go to school, be a good student, come home, study, go to bed. He needed a change something better in life.

"Marinette, get up we're going to be late!" Damian yelled aggravated at his girlfriend for taking so much time to get ready or even wake up in the morning but last night's patrol had been harder on her than him.

"I'm already up and dressed Damian, no need to shout," Marinette said sitting on one of the stools of their new apartment.

"No time beloved, you can eat in the car," Damian said taking her hand and walking down to the garage before taking off into the distance.

Adrien and Lila stood in front of their mirrors perfecting themselves, they were models after all.

"Do you think he'll say yes?" Lila asked her adoptive brother curiously.

"How could he say no? He's a cute defenseless boy and he'll fall for me immediately and I'll get what I want, I always do don't I?" Adrien asked putting on a pair of sunglasses and grabbing his backpack.

"You didn't get Mar..." Lila started but she was cut off by a growl. "Isn't she why we came here in the first place?" Lila asked and Adrien groaned.

"In the first place maybe but he's so much cuter, more innocent, more emotionally available," Adrien grinned hauntingly.

They had both been outcast at their old school in Paris because of Marinette proving that she's a liar and he assaulted her. So they followed her here to get revenge, it was as simple as that.

Jon stood by Kathy getting a sinking feeling in his stomach, something bad was going to happen today he could feel it.

"What's up Jonno? You look worried," Kathy asked tilting her head at her friend curious.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little off," Jon said pushing up his glasses hugging his books closer to his chest closing his locker.

"Ok farm boy I'll see you next block ok?" Kathy said walking in the opposite direction as him.

"See ya Kathy!" Jon called out before turning around to see a blond staring at him from across the hall drinking in his features. Jon just shook his head clearing his thoughts before walking to class.

"We're gonna make it!" Marinette yelled dragging Damian down the hall turning to corner bumping into someone books flying everywhere. The boy picked up his books and ran off before they could even apologise. "Strange kid, I like him," Marinette said linking her arm through Damian's before he narrowed his eyes at the younger student running off into the distance.

Jon kept running to class before someone came out from one of the classroom archways slamming his hand on the locker door stopping Jon in his tracks.

"Can I help you or something, I need to get to class?" Jon asked and the blond smirked.

"Actually you can, how about you and me go out after school cutie?" Adrien asked and Jon turned bright red.

"I-uh can't really go anywhere today, my dad sort of needs me for something," Jon said trying to duck under Adrien's arm but the blond wasn't taking no for an answer. Jon felt the other pull on the back of his shirt.

"I wasn't asking," Adrien growled and thankfully Jon's brother was in the classroom they were outside of and separated the blond from his brother with a punch to the face which got both boys sent to the office before the day even started as Jon continued to trot to class.

"This is insane," Jon said quietly to himself sinking down in his chair zoning out for most of the class until the bell rang. Kathy met Jon at the door of his classroom.

"What happened, the whole school heard about Kon beating up some blond new guy?" Kathy asked. "We both know Kon only beat people up for you," Kathy said still concerned.

"Some guy wanted to go out with me and I said I had plans tonight, he didn't like the no, rich people are so annoying," Jon said and Kathy raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know he's rich?" she asked suspicious.

"He's some model or something it's been kept pretty under wraps but my parents are reporters, Bruce Wayne's son and girlfriend are going here along with two model kids Adrien and Lila, I've seen pictures of all of them and I'm going to try and avoid them as much as possible," Jon said leaning back against his locker as Kathy got her books out of hers both of them walking to class together afterward.

Marinette sat in her seat frowning, she was a grade behind Damian which meant she wouldn't be able to see him until lunch or passing in the halls. She heard giggling from the door and turned around to see the boy she and Damian knocked over earlier and her heart started to beat faster and her face turned red, he was adorable. She wanted to walk over to him and say something but the bell rang. He sat down in the back next to a red haired girl who Marinette prayed wasn't his girlfriend.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng," the teacher called out and Marinette's head snapped around raising her hand saying here with a french accent that made Jon tense up, that boy earlier had one too. What if she was his sister? He couldn't handle that, what if she came after him for her brother as some sort of favor, Jon had been used by Kon to get dates before, what would make this pair any different than him and his brother.

"Jonathan Kent," the teacher said and Jon raised his hand nervously as Marinette stared at him.

"Jon huh?" she asked herself smiling slightly waiting for class to be over so she could talk to him as soon as possible. Maybe she should wait for Damian actually, now that she thought about it that would probably be a better idea than her boyfriend thinking that poor Jon came onto her and getting pummeled into the ground.

The bell rang and Jon grabbed Kathy's arm dragging the girl out of the room while she was still shoving stuff into her backpack.

"What the hell Kent?" Kathy asked getting dragged to lunch.

"That girl in there was french she could be cahoots with Adrien and Lila we have to stay away from her," Jon said running a little faster down the hall and Kathy tripped over her own feet becoming one with the ground.

"Just leave me here Kent, let me die, I see the light the shimmering glorious light," Kathy said extending an arm to the ceiling only to have it collide with a boy's face who was leaning down to help her up. "I am so sorry!" Kathy said sitting up and Jon was by her side now.

"She's not usually... wait nevermind she's always like this," Jon said smiling nervously at the guy. Damian took his hand off his nose and looked Jon in the eyes and got lost in the sea of blue that reminded him so much of his girlfriend's eyes before shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

"I'll be fine, see you around Kent," Damian said getting up quickly and walking away.

"Weird guy," Kathy said and Jon shrugged before continuing to walk normally to lunch.

Marinette met up with Damian in the hallway walking into the cafeteria together.

"How has your day gone so far?" Marinette asked trying to get a conversation going.

"I bumped into the kid from this morning again, you know the one you're staring at right now, I think you're creeping him out," Damian said looking at the deer eyed boy on the opposite side of the lunchroom.

"He's adorable, I just want to wrap him up and protect him from the world," Marinette said hands clasped together.

"Think about this, give it a couple of days at least beloved, you and I hated each other when we first met," Damian said aggravated that this boy had her immediate attention.

"Fine, I'll give it a week but if you fall for his blue belle eyes and dark hair then we add him," Marinette said sticking her hand out as some sort of deal.


Little did Damian know something would happen very soon that would change his feelings about the glasses wearing teen forever.

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