Flashback: The Devil Meets an Angel

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Marinette roamed the halls of Francois Dupont nervously, Adrien had taken a liking to her recently which would have been great if she wasn't totally over him because he supported Lila's lies. He had been trying to corner her all day to ask her out according to Alya and she just couldn't reject him, she had worked so hard to get him to notice her but now she just didn't want to put in the effort anymore.

"Marinette!" Adrien called out running over to her and her classmates stared. "I wanted to ask you something," Adrien said and her entire class watched.

"I um could it wait until later?" Marinette asked not wanting to have to say no in front of the entire class and risk looking like a jerk. Things were rocky as is since Lila was expelled and living with the Agreste's since Lila's mother kicked her out.

"I really wanted to do this now," Adrien said voice smooth as silk but Marinette could see right through it and so could the boy who just walked into their class.

"Sit down blondie class is starting soon," the cold boy said piercing eyes staring into Adrien's soul.

"And who do you think you are?" Adrien asked annoyed.

"Damian Wayne, nice to meet you," Damian said smirking before walking up to the back of the classroom and sitting next to Marinette. The bell rang and Adrien reluctantly went to his seat next to Nino. "You're welcome, that guy was coming onto you and you obviously didn't reciprocate," Damian said starting to open his bag.

"I didn't need your help, I could have handled that," Marinette said as Miss. Bustier started to take names the two in the back each raised their hands when names were called not breaking eye contact.

They hated each other and were competitive for months into the school year. Nicknames and glares were thrown back and forth.

"Pretty boy."


"Stuck up rich kid."


Marinette had noticed the uptick in crime in Paris and started taking self-defense classes. One night when she came home there was a man with a gun in her parent's bakery so she threw her stuff to the ground and took a second to breathe, she took off her top leaving her white long-sleeved shirt. She grabbed her sais from her bag walking into the store kicking the man in the back as her parents screamed and the gun slid across the room.

Damian heard the commotion and looked through the window blending in with the night sky. He saw Marinette on top of a man with a sai against the back of his neck as her parents called the police. "Impressive," he said to himself.

Marinette walked into school the next day taking her seat next to her rival. "I heard what you did last night," Damian said.

"And now you know that I can easily protect myself," Marinette said neither of them were looking at each other.

"I'm sorry for ever doubting you," Damian said and Marinette turned to face him shocked.

"Did you just..." she started but Damian interrupted her.

"Yes, now I have an offer for you," he said and faced her.

The two met at his penthouse after school and he led her into a room full of weapons.

"What is all of this?" Marinette asked.

"We're going to stop people like the one that tried to hurt your parents," Damian said. "But first we'll need to hide who we are so if the police do come after us they won't know who we are," Damian said leading her to a closet. "See if you like anything in there."

From there they became Devil and Angel geared out in the best tech they could think of. Angel could slam her wrists together and let off a yellow glow from her hands, Devil could shoot fire from his gloved, both were in tight long-sleeved kevlar shirts, baggier pants, and combats with domino masks in white and black respectively.

They perched weeks later now only a month before school was over staring down at a man and Angel played with her wigged braids which were stark white before Devil gave her the signal to jump down with him onto the man below's shoulders. And he fired a gun at her as she fell the rest of the way down and Devil screamed before running at the man taking him down in seconds knocking his bloody head into a brick wall for the third time before running over to his partner.

"No, no, no, Angel, I never got to tell you I love you," Devil said feeling his eyes well up with tears. Angel went to sit up laughing a little.

"You do?" she asked and Devil just crushed her in a hug. "I feel the same way," she said pulling him down for a kiss.

The two walked into school together holding hands the next day and Adrien's eyes widened, he was never able to get close to her with all her friends around and the threat of Damian's cold dead eyes staring at him. Now Adrien had had enough of waiting.

"Marinette, remember that talk we were going to have on the first day, could we do that now?" Adrien asked and Marinette stood up, arms crossed.

"I don't see why not," she said annoyed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometimes, just the two of us on a date?" Adrein asked.

"No, I'm good, thanks, I don't know how my boyfriend would feel about that," Marinette said sitting down.

"Boyfriend! You guys hate each other! You can't have a relationship built on hate!" Adrien shouted face turning red.

"We realized we can't live without each other, and a year ago I would have loved to hear you say those words Adrien but now I'm not interested," Marinette ground out once warm blue eyes turning cold as ice scaring him slightly.

"You can't be serious Mari..." Adrien started but Damian growled standing up slamming his hands on the table.

"She said she's not interested," Damian said and Marinette put her hand on top of his calming him down. Adrien retreated to the bathroom.

"One day I'll get something or someone that they care about and rub it in their faces, they'll beg for forgiveness," Adrien said to himself grinning like a maniac.

"We've got to get out of here, my dad has a nice place in Metropolis, what do you think?" Damian asked.

"Isn't that in America?" Marinette asked smiling at how Damian moved around his place packing things up.

"You'll have all summer to learn English," Damian said holding her face in his hands.

"And what about Devil and Angel?" Marinette asked.

"They'll be coming with us."

The next day at school Adrien was surprised to see the back seat empty until Miss Bustier came to the front of the class and announced, "Marinette and Damian have been transferred to America for the next school year, anyone interested can still apply, you have all summer."

"All summer to make a plan," Adrien whispered to himself biting his lower lip to contain his smile. When he got home he slammed the door open marching to his father's room. "Send Lila and I to America next year dad, there's someone I have to see."

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