1: Bullies and Liars Aren't Good Company

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Jon stared at the front of the classroom trying way too hard to focus on class rather than a certain blond who was staring at him through a black eye courtesy of Kon. Suddenly a piece of paper found its way onto his side of the table and Jon sighed opening it up.

You don't want to mess with Adrien Agreste

Jon's eyes widened realizing it had come from in front of him rather than next to and Adrien didn't seem to see the message. Marinette looked behind her from the front of the room as Jon pocketed the note. She had no idea Adrien would follow her and Damian here but she wasn't going to get Jon mixed up in all of this. The bell rang and Jon slipped his way out of class and down to the bathrooms.

Damian didn't even look up as the bathroom door swung open and the blue eyed boy that he promised he'd get a feel for walked in. He sighed as the younger went into a stall before opening his mouth.

"You know avoiding your problems isn't going to make them go away Kent," Damian said standing outside the stall door arms crossed.

"I'm not avoiding and could you not call me that? It's reserved for the people who like to make my life a living hell," Jon said flushing the toilet and opening the door before walking over to the sink.

"Well then how about you tell me your name then?" Damian suggested glossing over the fact that the boy had some sort of bad connection with people calling him by his last name.

"Jon, now I promised my friend Kathy that I'd help her study so if you wouldn't mind," Jon said pointing to the door that Damian had planted himself in front of. Jon walked out the door and Damian looked across the hallway to where Marinette was standing.

"Did you figure out anything interesting about him?" Marinette asked joining Damian in a walk to their next class.

"Possible bully problem which is nothing we can't handle but he also doesn't seem like he would be the type to fall for a heroic pursuit so if that's what you're going to go for to woo him don't even think about it," Damian said and Marinette frowned.

"I take it that he still won't talk that much to new people then?" Marinette asked concerned.

"It really can't just be the two of us here like we planned? Why do we have to add a third person beloved, am I not good enough?" Damian asked and Marinette's eyes twinged with sadness.

"No, of course that's not it Damian, when we first started doing this we both agreed that we couldn't live without each other and that we would never want to see the other get hurt so we need someone out there just in case something does happen to one of us," Marinette said holding Damian's face in her hands gently.

"He's innocent Marinette, not a fighter like us, he won't understand the world we're bringing him into," Damian said still trying to convince her.

"If you're trying to convince me that he's a bad choice then that means you're already emotionally invested in him, it's too late," Marinette said turning around and walking to her class by herself and Damian shook his head trying to clear his thoughts.

"Please don't let that be the case."

Lila sat down by the raven haired blue eyed boy that Adrien instructed her to and gave him sad eyes attempting to get his attention.

"You know I wanted to avoid the new students as much as possible, why did you all have to gravitate toward me, I'm literally a nobody?" Jon asked Lila who took a second to be shocked.

"If you mean my brother and the whole black eye thing earlier, he comes on strong like that sometimes but he's truly a good guy at heart, he just thought you were cute and wanted to get a chance with you before the other guys came around and snatched you up," Lila said pulling an excuse out of her ass for her adopted brother, she owed the asshat anyway. Jon sighed turning to face her.

"I'm sorry then, I'm just not used to getting attention and I keep bumping into these two people like they're following me around or something and I've only ever really had one friend so having people pursuing me really just isn't my thing," Jon rambled and Lila hid her foxish grin under a look of surprise.

"Oh, really, I thought you would have had a bunch of friends, you're so adorable!" Lila said making Jon blush.

"Uh, thanks," Jon said face burning.

"It's the truth, I only tell the truth," Lila said as class started. Jon trusted her, he didn't know why but something in his gut was telling him that she was being honest.

"Oh yeah, there's this girl Marinette who goes here, you're going to want to stay away from her and her boyfriend Damian, they're bad news. Marinette is a bully, she messed with me and Adrien at our old school it was traumatizing," Lila said as class ended lower lips jutted out in a pout.

Marinette must have been a good actress cause she seemed invested in knowing about him. Maybe that was just to get on his good side so he would spill details about the school and his classmates. Quiet kids always seemed to know everything about everyone.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," Jon said thinking harder on his way to class.

A football player shoved Jon into a locker creating a dent with the lanky teen's body inthe metal. Jon groaned out in pain and when he opened his eyes he saw Damian and Marinette in front of him asking if he was ok. Jon tried to stand up straight and walk away but he couldn't. The two older teens glanced at each other before nodding.

Marinette swooped her arms under Jon's knees and shoulder blades picking up the taller with ease that seemed inhuman. Jon's eyes widened as he started to panic, were they going to beat him up even more.

"Relax Jon, we're just taking you to the nurse," Damian said standing next to his girlfriend for support even though he knew she was strong enough to handle this on her own.

"Yeah, why are you so tense?" Marinette asked and the blue-eyed boy sighed.

"This girl, Lila I think, her brother has some sort of interest in me, she said you guys are bullies. I mean I sort of believed her but not fully, you guys seem nice enough so why bully just her?" Jon asked as he was set down on a bed in the nurse's office.

"She's starting her lying crap again, we moved here to get away from them, they followed us just to make our lives miserable didn't they?" Marinette asked Damian eyes threatening to spill tears.

"We'll figure all of this out," Damian said to Marinette and Damian turned to Jon. "We're not the bullies here, they are."

"Why do you guys care so much about me?" Jon asked suddenly looking up into Damian's eyes.

Marinette and Damian exchanged a glance. "We're not sure," Marinette responded. "There's something about you that just draws people in, you have a kind soul, it's refreshing." Jon blushed turning away as the nurse came in.

"Oh Jonathan, back again so soon?" the nurse asked making Jon's potential friend's eyes widen.

"Do you come here often?" Marinette asked concerned.

"He's a clumsy one," the nurse offered. "You kids better hurry off to class," the nurse warned as the warning bell rang.

The two scurried out of the room and down the hall. "You know what you have to do and I know what I have to do, now it's just a matter of getting the job done," Damian said eyeing the football tryouts sign up sheet and Marinette stared at Adrien who seemed to be waiting for her.

Damian grabbed a pen and Marinette walked in the blond's direction, they were going to get some answers the easy way or the hard way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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