Chapter 25

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Erica and Alyson were enemies no more. My life should not have anymore drama, right?


There were some unresolved issues, like my family and Alyson, whom since that night, had not been speaking to each other. Alyson was unforgiving with matters regarding my parents, and she would not budge despite my constant persuasion that they did not mean to 'abandon' her and that they still loved her. I believed that they did, to a certain extent. Alyson was still their daughter, after all.

But Alyson did not believe me, and was tight-lipped at the issue. Every time I brought it up, she would change the subject.

As for who-shall-not-be-named, I was ignoring him completely. I knew that it was childish of me, but I did not care. That night's rejection really hurt me, and I refused to let that happen again. No matter what his reasons were, I was not going to talk to him ever again. That jerk.

So far, I was doing a pretty good job of avoiding him and not talking to him. I spent my time hanging out with the gang, which sometimes included Alyson. Hayley and Jess were a little hesitant, but they tried to be friendly. As for Alyson's posse, they knew better than question her decision to hang out with us. It was amazing, yet scary, that she could wrap these people under her thumb so well.

During lunch a week later, Alyson suggested going out of school for lunch.

"Are you crazy?" I hissed. "You could get caught!"

"Scared?" Alyson smirked. "I've done it before lots of time anyway."

"Show-off," I muttered.

Hayley, Jess and Erica were surprisingly supportive of that idea.

"Live a little, Ally," Erica persuaded me. "It's just the diner around the corner."

"Fine," I relented. I had to admit that the thought of leaving school for lunch was pretty exciting.

So off we went, to Fiona's Diner. We escaped through the back gate, where there were no security guards patrolling. The moment we got out of school, we stared at each other, grinning.

"I feel like a convict escaping from prison," Hayley said.

"School... a prison? Quite similiar," Jess joked.

As for me, I did feel a rush of adrenaline as I looked back at the grand white building we called school.

Halfway to the diner, Alyson suddenly exclaimed, "I forgot my purse!" She had on a sheepish expression on her face.

"It's okay, I can pay for you first," I offered.

"I have a discount coupon inside, which we could use. It's okay, I'll go back and meet you all at the diner."

"I'll go back with you," I said, thinking that she might need a companion. Alyson smiled at me gratefully.


"You're welcome."

"So we'll go first?" Erica confirmed.


We got back to school, took her purse and snuck out again, avoiding people's stares as we tried to act as normally as we could.

"Why do I feel like Rena McKenzie is is staring at me?" I mumbled worriedly.

"She's not Ally, stop worrying," Alyson replied exasperatedly, pulling my hands as we escaped by the back gate again.

She checked her watch. "We better hurry."

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