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"They're sellin' me for parts
And I don't wanna be modern art"

My parents have been thinking of putting me up for adoption or just giving me away. It's just the money they need. I know they are thinking about killing me than selling my organs, I bet that makes money, or just selling me so the money I earn they get. I think that's why I don't get much sleep at night because I am on high alert.

So sick. I am more special than they think. Will I ever feel better when they do earn money? They need it. I don't wanna just to be displayed for anyone and everyone, seems wrong. Not just seems wrong, it is. They are practically giving me away to some creepy dudes.

They haven't done it yet but I heard them talk about it. So I am scared of what they will do. It's nice to have your parents talk about you but not in a happy good way. A bad bad bad way. It's frustrating to know that I am gonna be sent off to a sex museum or something any day now.

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