little white lies ?

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Warner shifted in bed, unable to sleep as he was lost in thought. How long until Juliette caught up on his secret affair? How long could he and Kenji keep this secret affair up for?

"Aaron, what's wrong?" Juliette asked, wrapping her dainty arms around his torso. She meant to be comforting, but all Warner could feel was suffocated.

"Nothing," he mumbled, pulling away slightly. At the sight of her sad eyes, he wondered for a moment if he should confess. Would she be heartbroken to find him cheating on her with her best friend? How would she react?

"You can tell me, Aaron. I'll always be here for you."

He wanted to laugh suddenly. If only she knew. Instead of answering her truthfully, he formulated a lie he knew she would believe. "I'm working with Kishimoto tomorrow, I'm sure you can infer the reason for my mood, love."

He heard her smile and knew she'd believed the lie. Guilt churned in his stomach. It scared him how easy he could betray her trust.

The Blossoming AffairWhere stories live. Discover now