just cut the tie

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"Hey, love." Warner sat at the edge of the bed as Juliette set her book down on the nightstand. "We need to talk."

Juliette nodded for him to go on.

"I've been thinking lately, and I think we need a break."

"Oh," was all she said. Then, "why?"

"I found somebody else."

She started crying. "I'll get my stuff and leave then, bye."

Warner watched her pack up. "Wait, it was a prank. I still love you."

Juliette frowned at him. "Go be happy, Warner. I could see in your eyes that it's not a prank. You're sick." Juliette ran outside the hallways screaming and crying dramatically.

Kenji walked in not too long after. "You cut the tie? Finally. But you broke my besties heart, so I don't know if I can be with you. I would feel to guilty, so.." Kenji walked out.

Warner was left alone yet again. Maybe love just wasn't for him.

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