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incoming call

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incoming call

iwaizumi ♡♡+.゚....

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two days passed since your 'date' with camie and she was packing up to go back home, when suddenly she got a call from her best friend. she picked up the phone not worried about what would happen next.

"hey iwa, wassup" she walked around the room seeing if she was missing anything. "are you still at your aunt's house?" she stopped in her path "yeah" she dragged "why? you wanna hang out?"

"something like that, i was out with matsukawa and we went over to his friends house to chill" he paused "i'm in the area so i wanted to see you."

"yeah sure just hurry, i need to sleep for tomorrow" she heard him sigh "okay i'll be there in 15"

"see ya then bye iw-" he cut her off by hanging up. "that was weird, did i make him mad?" camie didn't know what was coming to her.

10 minutes pass and she heard a knock on the door, she rushed downstairs and opened the door.

iwaizumi had a serious expression on his face "let's go upstairs" was all he said as he pushed passed her going up to her room. camie got nervous seeing this side of iwaizumi—it terrified her.

once they got to the room he sat on the bed and leaned forward, intertwining his fingers together. he took a deep breath trying to find the best words.

"camie, tell me what happened between you and suna" she froze in place not expecting him to ask that question. "w-wh-what do you mean? i already told you" she stuttered and leaned against the wall behind her. he sighed a chuckle "you've been lying to me this whole time i don't know why i thought this would be any different."

camie's heart was about the burst out her chest, she didn't understand why he would say something like that. her face became confused—iwaizumi wasn't having it. "don't look at me like i'm talking in a different language, tell me the truth camie."

"iwa i told you everything that happened... i don't—why would i lie to you?" she walked over to the bed and sat next to him. "i'm asking myself the same question."

"i told you i was hanging out with matsukawa and his friend today." she nodded "but i didn't tell you his friend's name" camie shook her head 'no' "why is this relevant to you being mad at me for no reason?"

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