Well, Now What?..

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A/N: Hello. How are you guys today? I just wanted to say that I will still be open to any suggestions that you might have. If there is anything that you aren't happy with so far, I will try my best to fix it in the future so it can be as enjoyable as possible. Thank you, if you have read this far. I don't plan on having any smut in this chapter but, there could be a possibility depending on what I decide to write. I don't have a guarantee on it but I know for a fact, there will be smut in the next chapter. Please enjoy.

Bryce's POV:

I had her in my arms still spinning her around. We both laughed. This ended up being a great date, one that would be hard to forget. We agreed, friends with benefits. It wasn't what I wanted. Some parts of me were saying to not get feelings involved, but there was no denying them. I still loved her, even though I had sex with a lot of other girls after we broke up, none of them felt the same.

Those girls were just hookups, not relationships. I wanted Addison to just be a hookup, so I could forget about her, but it felt impossible. Damn feelings. "Come on lets go back." We were walking along the beach when we had decided our relationship status. "Alright." She sighed, not wanting the date to be over.

"I still have one more surprise." She looked at me, beyond thrilled. Yep, she loves me. The surprise being flowers and the same blanket that we used on our first date. We walk back still holding each others hand. "So, what is it?" "You'll have to wait and see." 

She kissed me. "I like the benefit part." She smirked. "What?" "Nothing its just, there might be better things tonight than just a kiss." Wow. Sex three times today. Impressive. "Hmm really." I said while kissing her neck.

We made it back to the spot we were, once before. In the basket I pulled out a rose and a small blanket that was buried in the bottom. She knew immediately what it was. I placed the blanket around her. We gazed at the stars.

Addison's POV:

He surprised me, from even somewhat of a date, to remembering one of my favorite things that we did together. We were looking at the stars for quite some time. I loved this, spending time  with him. "Babe, it's getting late, can we go back to my hotel room or sway?" He looked at me with a smile. "We can go to both if you want. And we can also move you into sway. For Mads sake of course."

Woah, that was way too soon. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move into the same house as Bryce. I know that I can't stay in that hotel forever, I would need my own place soon. "No. Thanks for the offer though." I kissed his cheek and stood up. He groans while I help him clean up the picnic we had.

We begin to walk back to the car, still holding onto his hand. We make it back and Bryce places the basket and the cooler inside the trunk. As I was going to open the door, I get a text from Mads. "Check TikTok Room." Oh shit, that can't be good. I open Instagram as I also open the door and sit down. "Damn it. No!"

I began to get very nervous of what I had seen. Bryce didn't know what I saw but got very concerned by how I had reacted. "Addi, what's wrong?" How the hell am I going to tell him that someone took a video of us getting in the car and having sex for an hour. "Here." Was all I managed to say.

"Fuck, babe. I'm sorry." He grabbed my leg and rubbed it, trying to give me comfort. I didn't know what to do. Some of the comments were saying that I'm such a slut, others saying how they loved that "Braddison" was back. "What the hell am I going to do?"

"Well we could say it was edited and that it was not us." While that did seem like a somewhat good plan, there were a few things we couldn't explain. "We can't, paparazzi took a picture of us swimming in the same bathing suits we left the car in." I wanted to cry more than anything but he was right about one thing, the windows were very tinted. It is almost impossible to see us, but there was still a light silhouette.

"I'll leave a comment, telling them they're crazy." And that's exactly what he did. His comment under the various posts, "Yes, that was me and Addison. We decided to hang out today. But no, to the dirty minded people, that was edited. We changed in the car, yes, but it wasn't anything more than that. We were both alright with it because we had dated in the past and knew each other enough. Please stop sending hate towards Addison. If anyone else decides to leave her hate or call her anything other that amazing, you can say it to my face. Then we'll see who has the problem."

Damn. That was amazing. Even though we lied to the public, he handled it. "Thank you." I gave him a small kiss. At least we learned a lesson from this, don't have sex in public. He starts driving to the hotel I had been staying at. Bryce then places his hand back on my thigh. I placed my hand on his. It was getting cold, with it being nine thirty.

I move to the back looking for my sweater that I left. "Bryce, have you seen my sweater?" He smacks my ass, simply because it was in the air. "No, but your bra's up here." I go back to sitting on the passengers side. I give him a glare, taking my bra back. "Yeah, here's your boxers." I throw it on his lap. I grab my skirt because it was the only thing I could find.

I put it on, feeling a little less exposed. "Why are you putting that on. I like you better with nothing on." Wow, just wow. "I'm cold and it was the only thing I could find you dirty minded weirdo." He moves his hand to turn up the heat in the car. "Better?" He was so sweet. "Yes, thank you." With the solving of the drama that took place just a few minutes ago, I still had tons of questions about the night I left.

"Do you still have the ring?" "What?" I repeat myself, "The ring, do you still have it?" He sighs before speaking. "Yeah. I think so." That's all I wanted to know for now, nothing more. "Why?" I don't know why out of all the questions, that's what I asked. "I don't know, I was just curious I guess."

We make it back to the hotel and we're still in the car. I open the door and go to the back to hopefully find my missing clothes. Bryce comes in the back as well to help me. He was still in his trunks and I was still in my bikini along with a skirt. We eventually find them an head back to the room.

"I'm gonna go change, I'll be back." I walk into the bathroom to find three hickeys. One on my neck, one on my chest, and another one on my hip. I had found the last one when I took off my bottoms. I put my underwear and a bra on. I also grab the concealer that was already in the bathroom. "Bryce!" He walks in the bathroom, expecting another round of shower sex. "What Baby?" He says while giving me a smirk.

"I have three hickeys." He looks at my body, up and down. "No you don't. You have four." Uhh."You could at least help me." He walks closer to me. "Or, I could make it go to five. Plus it will show everyone else to back off."

A/N: I did a lot on Addison's point of view today. Sorry if you guys like Bryce's better. I'll make his part of the story longer next chapter. Thank you for reading. Have a fantabulous day or night.

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